Review: Malportado Kids – Total Cultura

Review: Malportado Kids – Total Cultura

Malportado Kids = (Fea / Piñata Protest) x (Le Tigre√Bikini Kill)  … read more

Review: Los Crema Paraiso – De Pelicula

Review: Los Crema Paraiso – De Pelicula

Los Crema Paraiso = 
Tears For Fears + Si*Sé +
Pedrito Martinez Group + DC Fontana   … read more

Review: Landshapes – Heyoon

Review: Landshapes – Heyoon

Landshapes =  Vuvuvultures + Dark Horses x Sleater-Kinney … read more

Review: John Andrews – Bit By The Fang

Review: John Andrews – Bit By The Fang

John Andrews & The Yawns = Jackson Scott + The Babies + Mikal Cronin … read more

Review: Joey Fourr – To The Floorr

Review: Joey Fourr – To The Floorr

Joey Fourr = Mac DeMarco / (Alex Calder + Connan Mockasin)  … read more