SLUG Style: Dyana Durfee and Korey Martin

SLUG Style: Dyana Durfee and Korey Martin

Korey and Dyana don’t seem to follow any particular school of thought regarding the aesthetic they look for in clothing, though it is by no means random. They feel that being comfortable with yourself and how you are is important. … read more

SLUG Style: Zade Womack

SLUG Style: Zade Womack

Finding his balance between form and utilitarian purposes, SLUG says Womack does a pretty good job at owning up to what he describes as “functional/slacker/professional” style. … read more

SLUG Style: Cardi Buetler

SLUG Style: Cardi Buetler

“Style gives you the ability to be an individual on a regular basis,” Cardi Buetler says. “Everyone has their own identity, and style lets them present that every day in whatever they’re doing.” … read more

SLUG Style: Kat Weeks

SLUG Style: Kat Weeks

“I like to have meaning behind what I’m wearing. I’ve got to have some sort of piece of me in whatever I’m wearing and representing.” … read more

SLUG Style: Annalisa Milo, Graphic Design @ Discrete Clothing

SLUG Style: Annalisa Milo, Graphic Design @ Discrete Clothing

“People should always dress for themselves and not someone else.” She uses her style to challenge gender roles and break stereotypes. “I don’t believe that there is a specific type of clothing for a certain gender—I’m going to wear whatever I want.” … read more

SLUG Style: Max Pain and the Groovies

SLUG Style: Max Pain and the Groovies

Whether they’re out at Denver’s Psych Fest collecting weird shit like “trollops” (ask one of the band members about it) or decorating one of their jackets with pins and buttons found laying around the tour bus, the boys always feel at home in SLC, saying they prefer it to any other scene they’ve played in because of it’s low-ego, no bullshit feel when it comes to personal style. … read more

SLUG Style: Beatrice Poulsen of The Graveyard Girl

SLUG Style: Beatrice Poulsen of The Graveyard Girl

“I have this running joke with myself that I am the sixth, forgotten Spice Girl. Usually in the mornings when I’m trying to get dressed, that’s what I try to channel. I ask myself ‘what would Goth Spice wear today?’” … read more

SLUG Style: Jesse Walker of New City Movement

SLUG Style: Jesse Walker of New City Movement

“The scene and its people have taught me how to take risks, a few tricks and that you can’t take yourself so fucking seriously, most of all,” he says. Jesse (aka “Mr.” Jesse Walker) prefers not to try and force any particular look, but, rather, to absorb it and let it flow naturally, creating an organic, simple style that is his own. … read more

SLUG Style: Ashley Kinser of Glitter Gutter Glamour

SLUG Style: Ashley Kinser of Glitter Gutter Glamour

For Ashley Kinser, Utah native and creator behind the colorful accessory brand Glitter Gutter Glamour, art is a major facet of all things in life, including her personal style. … read more

SLUG Style: Nicole Morris of Omitted Youth

SLUG Style: Nicole Morris of Omitted Youth

Far from the cookie cutter and suburban wardrobes of her Michigan hometown, marketer and designer Nicole Morris feels that her rock n’ roll and bohemian-infused style that always stuck her out like a sore thumb has found a better home with the eclectic style of Salt Lake. … read more