Month: July 2005
Contributor Limelight: Mariah Mann-Mellus
SLUG’s favorite party girl, Mariah Mann-Mellus, is the delightful, ever-effervescent, resourceful personality and motivating force behind almost every one of SLUG’s world-changing skatebaording and snowboarding events. … read more
Gallery Stroll – August 2005
The Unknown Gallery located at 353 West 200 South in downtown Salt Lake City was last year’s new little darlings on the scene. They brought us D.J.s and models to spice things up, but for Aug. they kick the heat up a notch with eleven intense—not to mention talented—artists from California. The show is entitled “Friendless Outsiders” … read more
Whacktastic Skateboard Antics and The Morning News
I really fucking hate the news. I also hate people who believe the news. I guess I’m a big believer in “no news is good news.” So when I got asked to show some newslady how to ride a skateboard, I was at first hesitant. But then when they told me it would be a
Suicide: A Crappy Troma Movie
This movie was supposed to be scary and disturbing. Well, it’s not. It’s about as scary and disturbing as a box of well-nourished puppy dogs. I thought it was going to make me be all, “Dude, I saw Kill Bill like, five times and thought I could handle violence in movies, but this is too
Skateboard Update List
1. Isseah Bey almost became a father. He also skates for Salty Peaks. 2. Kordel Black’s knee hurts. 3. Some kid named Jake got caught steeling at Blindside. Blindside Management is offering discounts to anybody who spits on him. 4. Number of e-mails Broadie Hammers has received: 0. Maybe I will start a myspace account.