Month: July 2010

The Chaos is Brewing
If you listen closely, you can hear the faint sound of moans and groans of San Diego’s local residents as hoards of costumed basement avengers and their parental supervisors waddle their way toward the San Diego Convention Center. In the next wee … read more

RED Trailer
Based on the DC Comic series created by Warren Ellis and Cully Hamner, RED (Retired Extremely Dangerous) follows a team of former government agents who have been targeted for termination due to the secrets that came with their ex-employer. … read more

Summer Huh? Almost Made It!
A late June Sunday usually calls for a celebration, a picnic or BBQ with the family, maybe even a bowling outing. Not this Sunday, nope this year on Sunday, June 20th, marked the end of yet another epic winter in Utah’s Wasatch Canyons. Snowbird welcomed the snow community for one last rendezvous 11,000 feet up from sea level. With over 600 inches of snowfall this past season, the Bird was able to extend our beloved season almost into summer (marked by June 21st, also Go Skate Day! What a week!). Despite warm temps and the rapidly depleting base, conditions were far better than most could have expected and made for some spectacular riding and skiing.
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Go Skate Day 2010 @ Annex Skateshop 6.20.10
As most of us skaters know, June 21st is National Go Skateboarding Day. Each year on this day, dedicated shredders grab their boards and hit up their local skateparks and favorite street spots to honor this glorious sport.This year, in Bountiful, Annex Skateshop owners Ezra Moss and Jason Salisbury decided to do something special for the skaters of their good city by working their magic, and with the grace of city officials, were allowed to use the pavilion at Bountiful Park. Rails, fun boxes, and a nicely built mini half pipe were created for the attendees skating all day. … read more

Cage at Urban Lounge 06.26
Salt Lake City let the hate out on June 26. A wrecking crew of Timmy Wiggins, Chauncy, Hate Your Guts, and Cage came through the SLC area and got open at Urban Lounge. What started off as a beautiful warm summer’s Saturday night, quickly turned into one dark as hell, hate infested nightcap brought to you by Cardboard City and some pure East Coast hate music. … read more

The Salt City Shakers vs. Tent City Terrors 07.10.10
Western Region power rankings were on the line Saturday night at the Salt Palace. The 13th ranked Tent City Terrors were in town from Arizona to take on 16th ranked Salt City Shakers. A win for Salt City could have boosted their position in the rankings. … read more

Leave it to Cleavers vs. Death Dealers 07.10.10
The first jam started out quick paced. Right off the bat there was a collision between two to three of the Leave it to Cleaver blockers and the Death Dealer jammer, RollHer Kitty #7. All of the skaters slid across the floor and almost into the suicide seating. Despite this, Kitty got lead jam status and scored for the Dealers. … read more

Delicious Double Feature Deals
It seems these days it’s every man, woman and child for themselves when it comes to saving cash. It’s Thunderdome out there, folks, and everyone wants a bargain! Although, is saving money by purchasing expired food really the way to go? Not if you don’t mind the stomach cramps and endless diarrhea. To make matters worse, the world of home entertainment is waving bye-bye to DVDs and welcoming high-def adventures on Blu-rays, which could take even more moolah out of your wallet. … read more

The Devil Whale @ Subterranean
Sunday night was a lot of things. Ostensibly, it was The Devil Whale’s pre-release show. But Sunday night had layers–layers that cut a broad swathe through the musical landscape of Salt Lake City and spoke to the interconnectivity between bands, fans, and a forward thinking record store at the center of this close-knit community. … read more

Against Me! Interview
Over the past ten years, there has been no band as divisive in the punk rock world as Against Me!. I spoke with frontman Tom Gabel a few dates into their current tour with Silversun Pickups (stopping at The Rail on July 27th) about the band’s new lineup, their new album, and their relationship with fans and the media. … read more