

Set in a tropical locale populated by mysterious and beautiful creatures and poised midway between documentary and feature cinema, Alamar remains strikingly free of sensationalism.   … read more



Some blood, a crazy bitch, a dying girl, overbearing parents and free jump ropes are all things you will find in this movie. Family betrayals and snotty neighbor kids drive the crazies even crazier, resulting in two wonderfully bloody corpses. … read more

American Jihadist

American Jihadist

American Jihadist is so painfully acute in its portrayal of hate and violence, both at home and abroad, that I had to take a break halfway. … read more



Whenever residents of Utah make headlines, 9 times out of 10 it’s for some reality series where our favorite local is announced the runner-up in the season finale. However, in the last decade, a Utah-based business caused such a national media fr … read more

The Black Godfather: Andre Wililams’ First-Ever Utah Show

The Black Godfather: Andre Wililams’ First-Ever Utah Show

Andre Williams plays the kind of music that SLUG magazine is proud to get behind. Down and dirty, completely authentic & 100% original, a real soul rebel, his obscurity is almost baffling, and somewhat conflicting reports of his start in the music business only further the stuff of legend–pretty “cult” for a guy who wrote “Shake a Tail Feather” and produced the first version of “Mustang Sally.” … read more

Napalm Flesh: Bring Me Your Metal!

Napalm Flesh: Bring Me Your Metal!

In the first installment of SLUG’s brand new, web-exclusive metal column, Bryer Wharton gives a preview of all of the metal action going down in Salt Lake City this weekend, including a preview of the Summer Slaughter tour featuring Decapitated. … read more

Napalm Flesh: March of Brutality & Pentagrammation

Napalm Flesh: March of Brutality & Pentagrammation

As another weekend approaches, the level of metalness in SLC will grow exponentially from last weekend’s local metal gigs and the Summer Slaughter Tour. Meat Shits, Exodus and Enthroned are all set to hit the city this weekend—be prepared. … read more

Andre Williams with The Goldstars, The Rubes and DJ Dirty Davey

Andre Williams with The Goldstars, The Rubes and DJ Dirty...

Seeing an aging musician can be a gamble. I can’t count the number of times I’ve coughed up cash to see some geriatric legend to find myself bored out of my mind watching some drunk, washed-up mess. Luckily Andre Williams is not one of these musicians—he isn’t even close to it. On Monday night the 74-year old Black Godfather took the stage to a severely under packed crowd.

… read more

The Mediocre Show

The Mediocre Show

Created in the suburbs of Philadelphia during the early days of podcasting, “The Mediocre Show” grew from a thirty minute recording of two guys giving each other shit into a community-driven podcast with a global audience. Aside from its longevity and popularity, one of its strangest achievements is that the listenership has shifted toward Zion over the past two years, making Utah its top downloaded location. … read more

Boris @ Urban Lounge

Boris @ Urban Lounge

Being a patron of live shows in Salt Lake City I have an almost second-home relationship with the Urban Lounge. I have mindlessly studied the exposed rafter ceiling, particle board decor, patronized the comfy benches and even ventured into the privacy-be-damned bathrooms more times than I care to remember. But on Tuesday Boris turned the Urban Lounge into a wholly new and strange environment to which I had no relationship or history with. … read more