Authors: Ben Trentelman

Distillery Dreams Do Come True: New World Distillery
New World Distillery hopes to open by the first of December—so cross your fingers that we’ll all soon be sucking down some of their agave spirits! … read more

No Gas for Green Goods: Try Walking to Urban Greens...
With the support of a USDA grant, SLCgreen has teamed up with The Green Urban Lunch Box, Utahns Against Hunger and Salt Lake Community Action Program’s Real Food Rising to establish Urban Greens Market, five pop-up markets that provide fresh and local produce within walking distance to community members. … read more

Ride, Swap, Ride: The Ogden Bike Collective Bike Swap
Upon entering the collective’s small building, located on a quiet neighborhood street, it is immediately clear that the Ogden Bike Collective is community driven. … read more

Review: Let’s Learn: S.T.E.M.
If you’ve paid any attention to what kids are being taught in school these days, you should be well aware of S.T.E.M. programs, which focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. … read more

Dear West Jordan, This Is Your Community: Miguel Galaz
Miguel Galaz has been working to teach youth about art for the last few years in afterschool programs as a teacher at the Mana Academy, and going out to work on interactive projects in the community. When a close friend was working to turn an old building that had hosted a number of restaurants

Jagermeister Music Tour
After only minor threats from the bouncer doing searches at the door, I was going to make sure that I had my photo pass. If I were seen taking pictures without it I would be forcibly removed (to put it lightly). … read more

Bob Weir & Ratdog @ The Depot
Yeah, BO is a naturally occurring phenomenon at shows, but when it already smells like post-show body funk during my pre-show drink, we have a problem. There is also something to be said about any show involving a former member of the Grateful Dead that does not allow smoking. … read more

Plan-B Theatre-Radio Hour: Alice
Disney’s interpretation of Alice In Wonderful added enough fluff to make the twisted story easy to swallow for generations to come. Matthew Ivan Bennett, who wrote the Radio Hour adaptation, had something else in mind—something much more twisted, more graphic, and much more intense. … read more

Puscifer @ Capitol Theatre
Arriving at the Capitol Theatre, I knew that I was in for something other than a “typical Tool show.” The pat-down at the door was the same, and the other people waiting in line were the same, but the upscale sit-down venue caused an overall sense of mystery and curiosity among my fellow patrons. Puscifer is the newest project of Tool and A Perfect Circle front man Maynard James Keenan. … read more