Twin Sister and Ava Luna @ Kilby 02.11

Twin Sister and Ava Luna @ Kilby 02.11

I’m one of those people who can have one song by an artist in my music library and still call myself a fan—Twin Sister being a solid example of that. Once upon a time, I came across their track, “Lady Daydream,” and was obsessed with it for approximately one day. It was with that in mind and an altogether hazy idea of what they might actually sound like live that I stumbled into this show. … read more

Snowbird Speed Dating 02.14

Snowbird Speed Dating 02.14

If you’re anything like me, then you think speed dating is for the sad, lonely and desperate––or for BYU students. Alas, I decided to hush my preconceptions and try out Snowbird’s Valentine’s Day version of speed dating. The resort offered $40 all day passes for singles and set aside a chairlift on the Peruvian run with a line for the ladies and a line for the dudes. … read more

The Shins, The Head and The Heart, Blind Pilot @ Red Butte 05.28

The Shins, The Head and The Heart, Blind Pilot @...

What’s better than getting to see The Shins? Getting to see two bands you’ve been solidly obsessed with for ages beforehand, making for a holy trifecta of folk pop. This Red Butte show sold out like crazy despite $50 tickets, so clearly I wasn’t alone in recognizing the glory of this lineup. … read more

Dirty Projectors @ In the Venue 07.21

Dirty Projectors @ In the Venue 07.21

Here’s a fun fact: In The Venue opened doors a full hour before any music started, so show attendees got plenty of time to stand around looking hip or whatever. There were a lot of chicks wearing glasses and mom jean cut-offs, which made me think about how funny Portlandia is, and I was hoping that this show proved to be worth it, because I could be at home watching hilarious hipster satire. As fate had it, the evening redeemed itself and I was even able to celebrate at the end with Mexican food. … read more

Aesop Rock @ In the Venue 07.23

Aesop Rock @ In the Venue 07.23

Before the king himself took the stage, a team of intimidating bouncers pushed people around until there was a path for him to walk through. It was hot as balls in the room and bumping with fans. Finally, the trio—Aesop, DJ Big Wiz and Rob Sonic—appeared and everyone got their hands in the fucking air. … read more

The xx @ The Complex 10.16 with 2:54

The xx @ The Complex 10.16 with 2:54

The xx have been a consistent favorite on the ol’ iPod since approximately 2008, when I happened upon their video for “VCR,” which at the time had a meager amount of views. Since then, they have exploded ferociously into the hip music hemisphere and when it became public knowledge that they would be playing here in Salt Lake, I couldn’t go anywhere in the city without hearing their name dropped. … read more

Local Reviews: Mark Dago

Local Reviews: Mark Dago

There is something to be said for brevity in the music world: What’s the point of an album that drags on just for the sake of stroking the band members’ egos? Dago impressively bundles everything he needs to in about 20 minutes with this sophomore project, in which he ties together electronic sounds from old school video games (“Little Mac’s Jogging Theme”, anyone?) and a unique stream of beats.  … read more

Widowspeak: An Eerie Treat

Widowspeak: An Eerie Treat

Molly Hamilton and Rob Thomas are cinematographers of music, intentionally webbing together songs that evoke reminiscing. Inspired by the gloomy dark of the Northwest and the nostalgic imagery of the old American west, Widowspeak could be described as “cowboy grunge,” not so much literally, but in the sentiment.  … read more

Phantogram @ The Depot 10.13 with Future Islands

Phantogram @ The Depot 10.13 with Future Islands

You want to get lost in Sarah’s sultry and enchanting voice, but Josh Carter’s guitar demands enough attention that you end up with an ideal dyad. “Running From The Cops” makes you want to cut up some carpet with its dirty bass, while “Turn It Off” wraps itself around you like smoke from a fire. If you close your eyes, they’ll launch you somewhere into space and you’ll be in no hurry to get back. … read more

Widowspeak @ Urban Lounge 10.26 with Big Wild Things, Pure Bathing Culture

Widowspeak @ Urban Lounge 10.26 with Big Wild Things, Pure...

Having been described as “cowboy grunge,” Widowspeak quilt together classic Americana with darker rock and roll touches. Their Northwest background seems to add a very ’90s texture to their music. It was a bit alarming to me that there were only 30 people at most there to witness what was sure to be a glorious set. I overcompensated my excitement with cranberry vodkas and spilled one all over the floor during the first opener, Big Wild Things. … read more