Authors: Oom

Inversion Trawler: Leona Meets Her Spirit Guide
What follows is a transcribed portion of a telephone conversation between aunt Leona and a friend of hers. With our dictaphone we were able to record only Leona’s end of the conversation: … So, I joined the group a little bit later than everybody else. The first assignment had been for each person to meditate

The Attack of the Ponytail Snatchers
The cheerleading squad never saw it coming. They never saw it leaving either. Every ponytail snatched, cut off at the rubber band, not a single hair left behind. It all happened so quickly too. It was just a swish hiss sound, a breeze, and a sudden lighter feeling to the head. So I was told
Inversion Trawler: The Psychic Gifts of Sister Liahona Glow
One of Aunt Kate’s flighty friends claims to be psychically gifted. She recently decided she’d conduct a psychic investigation at Weedpatch and try to clear the house of its unsettled energies. … read more
The Inversion Trawler – June 2008
CREEP-O-BLOODY-RAMA! Bunny cat, the void dwelling creature whose front half is feline while its back half is rabbit, is an exhibitionist––and in the creepiest way … read more
Inversion Trawler: MURGATROID, THE DISEMBODIED FLAPPER – August 2008
Apparently we’ve got ourselves a spirit guide of sorts. Aunt Leona brought us the news in full dramatic Leona-excito-flutter. Her white Chrysler Le Baron convertible screeched to a halt in front of our house, and we heard the rapid and distinctive click-click-click of her open-toed heels along our front walk as she hurried to our front door. Boo and I were sitting in our side garden, just out of view of the front walk, so I called out, “Ahoy there Aunt Leona.” … read more
Cue spooky theme music, we’ve really gone through the looking glass. … read more
Inversion Trawler: Love Infinity – November 2008
I glanced back to see Leona desperately trying to detour Tempest and Boo down an aisle while loudly whispering, “Don’t talk to him. PAHLEEEASE don’t talk to him!” … read more
Inversion Trawler – September 2008
Our spirit guide, Murgatroid, actually exists. The universe is totally different then it was before. … read more
Inversion Trawler: Refreshments Anyone? – February 2009
Arriving in flowy skirts and enveloped in a cloud of hippy scent was Liahona Glow. She walked into the parlor waving her arms in slow motion while her mouth machine-gunned scatterbrained gibberish. … read more

Inversion Trawler – June 2009
Boo became obsessed with the idea of interviewing Alfredo, Aunt Leona’s spirit guide who appears to her as a messy plate of spaghetti. … read more