Local Review: Fasba Fpel – Book LXVII—Mobile Home Manor

Local Review: Fasba Fpel – Book LXVII—Mobile Home Manor

Fasba Fpel = Red Krayola + Jazz Fusion + June of 44 + early Pink Floyd … read more

Local Review: Charles Ellsworth – Wildcat Chuck Charles

Local Review: Charles Ellsworth – Wildcat Chuck Charles

Every one of Ellsworth’s albums sounds like the backing track to a heart-wrenching montage of a man crossing the U.S. in an old, rusted-out Chevrolet, sipping whiskey and wiping tears. … read more

Local Review: Angel Magic – 2012-2015

Local Review: Angel Magic – 2012-2015

Angel Magic harbor a pristine electro-pop sound that’s mood settling and fine-tuned to feel smooth and consistent. … read more

Review: FUZZ – II

Review: FUZZ – II

FUZZ = Black Sabbath + WAND + Ty Segall’s green thumb
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