Book Review

Book Review: The Book of Drought
The Book of Drought, by local poet and educator Rob Carney, manages to take a clear-eyed look at the environment, instill faith in community action and a more hopeful tomorrow. … read more

“Something Super Bizarre and Fucked Up”: Literature as Play with...
Through Reluctant Journey, Farfel argues that play is the most potent cure for malaise and that, in creativity, we find freedom. … read more

Book Review: The Curious Case of Traveling Craft Beers
The Curious Case of Traveling Craft Beers follows the story of two friends touring the galaxy in search of self-exploration through humorous science-fiction. … read more

Book Review: Utah!
Utah! Levi Rogers Atmosphere Press Street 04.20 Levi Rogers’ debut novel, Utah!, follows a young family as they road trip and stumble through the book’s namesake state. As his characters meticulously explore the geography and culture of Utah, Rogers probes the consciousness of contemporary America. Set in the near future, Utah! completes its simultaneous tour

Book Review: Fallible
Fallible is a profoundly personal narrative on the ails of an industry and culture with respect to the experienced intersections of its author. … read more

Book Review: Verge
The stories within Lidia Yuknavitch’s Verge create a subdermal web with motifs of feminism, middle-class imposter syndrome, isolation and more. … read more

Book Review: Recipe for Chaos
In Recipe for Chaos, readers get another visit from protagonist Detective Lincoln Coulter as he investigates the murder of celebrity chef Renny Shepherd. … read more

Review: Choosing Death: The Improbable History Of Death Metal and...
CHOOSING DEATH: THE IMPROBABLE HISTORY OF DEATH METAL AND GRINDCORE ALBERT MUDRIAN AND JOHN PEEL Feral House Books Street: 10.01.03 This book reaches deep into the earth and pulls out the roots of grindcore and death metal from Day One. Picking up from about the time that the thrash and crossover movements died off, the

Book Reviews – June 2009
Beer-related book reviews including Drinky Crow’s Makkies Treasury, The Gourmet’s Guide to Cooking With Beer, and Tasting Beer. … read more

THE WORLD’S EMBRACE: SELECTED POEMS ABDELLATIF LAABI City Lights Books Street: 02.01.03 Every once in a while, you encounter an unfortunate soul who tries to sell you on literature’s primary (only to the far right-wingers) purpose—the conveyance of beauty. If said people possess any respect for world literature, they will find Essential Rumi on the Barnes