The Magic of a Treat: A Dog’s Review of Pet-Friendly...
Ma & Paws Bakery, a local pet bakery, provided SLUG with two dog treat recipes. Writer Katie Hatzfeld tested them out and her dog, Blue, shared his thoughts. … read more
“Ruff” But Rewarding: A Look at Professional Dog Hikers’ Daily...
The regular sunshine, fresh air and the satisfaction of providing a dog, and their owner, a positive experience is invaluable. … read more
Proper Paws: Training Owners to Train Their Dogs
Taylor Munson of Proper Paws helps to correct dogs who need training with basic obedience, fear-based behaviors and reactivity. … read more
The Wolf Girl: A Look Inside Halley Bruno’s Art
For SLUG’s T-shirt design contest, Halley Bruno’s interpretation of SLUG as a skateboarding dog won, but her artistic love began earlier. … read more