Authors: Erin Kelleher

Local Reviews: Joshua James
Okay, I’ve got to say it. Joshua James is hot. Really hot. Maybe it’s those blue eyes (they’ll get you every time), or perhaps it’s his great jawline, but this is supposed to be an album review, so let me get to the point. … read more
Local Reviews: Navigator
This self-recorded album is a wonderful little discovery. Although its running time is hardly longer than twenty minutes, the songs are full of variation that stretch from extreme reverb to quiet acoustics to delicate, tinkling sounds. … read more
Local Reviews: TaughtMe
It starts with a bang and ends with bangs and bells. A story unfolds throughout this earthy-electro album, and it’s one you’ll want to pay close attention to. At times it’s quiet, other times it’ll shout at you. There’s a dreamlike quality present throughout that makes you feel as if you’re drifting out to sea in a small paddle boat. You’re anxious for what awaits, but still, there’s a calm that wraps itself around you. … read more
Local Reviews: Chaz Prymek
Bicycles and Breakfast is a followup to Prymek’s Everything Is Wrong, Everything Is Fine, and is music to my ears. Prymek could not have chosen a better title to describe the pleasant feeling that overcame me when I leaned back, closed my eyes and listened. … read more

Kilby Records: What it Really Comes Down to Is the...
Will Sartain and Lance Saunders lead busy lives … read more
Local Reviews: Some Beasts
A nostalgic tinkering oxf an orchestral kind, this album is bursting with delectable sounds. From tambourines to pots and pans to castanets to delayed acoustic guitars, the music is extremely varied and colorful. The energy that is channeled throughout the album is of such a marvelous kind that it’s almost hard to believe. … read more