Authors: Princess Kennedy

Princess Kennedy: The Really Late Show with Princess Kennedy
I’ve decided it’s about time I get my own talk show. To the TV station powers that be: I’m witty, charming and pretty—and classically trained for acting on camera. Hit me up for a full list of credentials. Aside from predicting that I’d be a great television personality, I think I have the deep appreciation for our “pretty great state” (which, in my opinion, is a self-deprecating motto) that comes from my constant travel outside of it. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Dead, Wrapped in Plastic—A Kat Martin Original
Becoming re-obsessed with Twin Peaks, posting nonstop about it on my various social medias, my fabulous artist friend, Kat Martin, suggested immortalizing myself as “dead, wrapped in plastic” in a piece of art. Kat Martin is an artist who, even though you may not realize, you’re most likely familiar with—because she’s part of every arts festival, craft fair and farmer’s market. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Fame—Every Body Wants You
I have a motto: “If I don’t love me, nobody will.” Without trying to sound like a total douche, I have acquired a certain amount of notoriety. It doesn’t just come to you—you have to work for it. … read more

Princess Kennedy: 50 Shades of No Way!
How many people do you know who got hitched in those first couple days of the marriage madness? I know far too many—just because you can doesn’t mean you should. … read more