The Odd Beer Out

The Odd Beer Out

Drinking delicious, locally made beer has become a no-brainer. With so much to choose from, even here behind the Zion Curtain, the consumer’s cup literally runneth over in a marketplace full of options. However, the standard styles—pilsner, stout, amber ale and hefeweizen to name a few—are no longer enough. Increasingly, brewers all over the world are pushing the envelope of what is considered normal for beer, and the results are as tasty as they are groundbreaking. … read more

The Night Shift

The Night Shift

Making beer is a time-consuming process and some companies make so much of it, they have to be running at odd hours to meet demand—sometimes continuously. While most of Utah’s brewing companies aren’t boiling away 24/7, many do have a brewer or two who work a late night or early morning shift. SLUG wanted to see how these beer makers work so we sent three of our favorite photographers to capture the odd shifts at five Utah breweries. … read more

SB 314: Fun-Killer

SB 314: Fun-Killer

During the last legislative session, Sen. Valentine introduced Senate Bill 314. This bill proposed several changes to Utah’s already convoluted liquor laws and was objected to by the Downtown Alliance, the Utah Hospitality Association and written without consulting the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Because legalese is not most people’s first language and some of the changes were very subtle, here’s a quick rundown of SB 314’s effects. … read more

All the Way Around: Baby’s Bagels

All the Way Around: Baby’s Bagels

Bagels get people passionate. I’m avoiding all that shmear and focusing on whether I enjoyed the entire bagel experience, and on that front, Baby’s Bagels scores a hole-in-one. … read more

Localized 10

Localized 10

August’s Localized brings two hip hop aficionados to the Urban Lounge stage on Friday, Aug. 12. Dusk One, who co-founded local hip hop group MindState, plays alongside DJ Knucklz’ newest project, Zebrafish. Masters of Death opens the show. A mere five bucks gets you in. … read more

SLUG Magazine’s Drinker’s Glossary Vol. 1

SLUG Magazine’s Drinker’s Glossary Vol. 1

For this year’s Beer Issue, we provide you with a glossary of useful words and phrases to help you sort through the vast world of alcoholic beverages. … read more

Kindred Spirits: Distilling is Brewing’s Younger Sibling

Kindred Spirits: Distilling is Brewing’s Younger Sibling

Let’s just scratch the surface of the many ways in which fermentation is related to your favorite distilled spirits. … read more

An Endless Palette: Designing Beers for Every Palate

An Endless Palette: Designing Beers for Every Palate

Brewers have a functionally infinite palette, a vast array of “colors” available to “paint” and design beers with. … read more

Beer > Not Beer

Beer > Not Beer

With these easy guidelines from Rio Connelly, you can turn your lunch-break sandwich into a sublime beer-pairing opportunity. … read more

FIY: Ferment It Yourself

FIY: Ferment It Yourself

The ability to make tasty fermented drinks lies in your hands, but you may not know what you need to get started. Join us to FIY! … read more