Local Beer Reviews

Local Beer Reviews
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SLUG is back again with a hybrid Brewstillery beer-and-spirits issue, and it wouldn’t be a boozy issue without some local beer reviews. … read more

Grid City Music Fest: A Celebration of South Salt Lake City

Grid City Music Fest: A Celebration of South Salt Lake...

South Salt Lake City hosts this year’s Grid City Music Fest Aug. 25–26 to show off the vibrant business and a notable restaurants the comprise area. … read more

Grid City’s Bubbleworks: A Seltzer By Any Other Name

Grid City’s Bubbleworks: A Seltzer By Any Other Name

The flavor inspirations for Grid City’s Bubble Works come from the worlds of fine wine and craft cocktails. … read more

Grid City Beer Works: Taste, Balance, Finish

Grid City Beer Works: Taste, Balance, Finish

Three core beliefs—taste, balance and finish sit at the heart of Grid City beer Works’ devoted work. They do not shy away from pushing the limits of brewing. … read more

Beer of the Month: Honey Cream Ale

Beer of the Month: Honey Cream Ale

Grid City Beer Works’ Honey Cream Ale is an amber-hued, liquefied treat with aromas of citrus, flora, wheat and a solid smell of gourmet, farmers’-market honey sticks. … read more

Grid City Beer Works: Taste, Balance and Finish in Motion

Grid City Beer Works: Taste, Balance and Finish in Motion

Walking into Grid City Beer Works, the first thing that catches the eye is the radiant chrome of brewing equipment behind a finely crafted bar. … read more

Upcoming Brewery Updates: Grid City Beer Works

Upcoming Brewery Updates: Grid City Beer Works

Grid Works philosophy is to keep it simple by offering well-balanced and refreshing beer, and to present it in a space that showcases how it’s made and celebrates beer as a great way to celebrate life. … read more