Warner Brothers

Film Review: Game Night
As a connoisseur of trivia nights and game shows, this critic loved every second. I want to see Game Night again to hear the multiple jokes that were drowned out with my laughter. … read more

Film Review: Blade Runner 2049
2049 is a film of misconceptions—highly unfortunate misconceptions at that. There are mind benders upon more. I guess this is the part where I raise my hand and start reciting to the class my notes, as this film was the first one I’ve seen since I graduated from University that made me feel like a student again.
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Review: Morning Constitutions
Morning Constitutions Larry the Cable Guy Warner Brothers Street: 04.03 Daniel Whitney, or as America knows him, “Larry the Cable Guy,” is a marketing genius. Work with me here. When he first started taking his comedy to the stage, he learned that the square, irreverent white-guy routine was not only covered, but done much better

Review: Metallica
Metallica The Videos: 1989-2004 Warner Brothers Street: 12.05.06 Metallica fans of old know that this DVD will not fit their liking. Considering Metallica didn’t come out with a music video until the And Justice For All album, their fourth record. That said video for the song, “One,” though has stood the test of time as