Month: December 2012

Beautiful Godzilla: I Don’t Wanna Grow Up
Bicycles became this representation of youth and freedom from authority that seemed impossible to attain when I was a dependent little kid––and I think that’s what brings some of us back as adults. … read more

Found Footage Festival @ Brewvies 11.29
The Found Footage Festival, which originated in NYC in 2004, is comprised of a nationwide tour of various US cities. They insist that in eight years of the festival, this year’s footage is the most unsettling yet. I believe them. … read more

Black Tusk with Red Fang, Lord Dying @ Urban 11.20
A steady stream of longhairs, hipster girls and middle-aged metalheads filed into the Urban Lounge on a chilly night to be baptized by a maelstrom of bone-shaking riffs from three of the loudest bands currently occupying planet earth: Lord Dying, Black Tusk and Red Fang. All three bands brought an ample supply of merch, including the usual assortment of T-shirts and records, but most eye-catching were the screen-printed posters commemorating this particularly rifftacular tour. … read more

ROAD WARRIORS: Meet The Muscle Behind the Vans Warped Tour
FuseTV premieres their new, unscripted series, Warped Roadies, which follows pit reporters, stage managers, and the primary set-up crew responsible for keeping Warped Tour running without a hitch. Check out our interview with the Salt Lake based crew. … read more

Ski Premiere: Few Words @ Rice Eccles Stadium 11.30
High atop the foothills of SLC, a raucous crowd of tall-tees and flat brim wearing youngsters gathers for what is likely the final ski movie premiere of the season. They are all here to witness the highly anticipated film from legendary skier Candide Thovex. … read more

Joshua James @ Velour 11.29
Velour has been bustling this year after being named Utah’s best music venue in 2012 by Salt Lake Magazine. It has been hosting up-and-coming acts from around Utah and continued its tradition of being a launch pad for bands to move on to the bigger and better (think Neon Trees, Imagine Dragons, Fictionists). Of all its successes this year, Joshua James’ triumphant CD release show(s) should be counted as one of the brightest. … read more

Brentano Quartet @ Libby Gardner Hall 12.04
The evening turned out to be one of my favorite so far of the season, performing selections from Purcell’s Fantasia, and two-string quartet works by Beethoven. The performers took me on a whirlwind of an adventure that brought to mind imagery of exploring forests and climbing mountains, with a full range of emotions visited throughout, dancing between the depths of Hell and the Pearly Gates of Heaven. … read more

Nata Gallery Grand Opening 12.07
The concept of a “pop-up dinner” has provided both chefs and diners with a unique opportunity to socialize, network and enjoy food that varies wildly from one event to the next. Since April, Salt Lake City has been host to several of these pop-up dinners, thanks to an organization called SLC POP, which has been under the dutiful watch of chefs Katie Weinner and Mike Burtis. … read more

Training For The Apocalypse Film Review
Most people with common sense will simply laugh off the Mayan calendar and its prediction of the apocalypse on December 21, but this 55-minute documentary does a great job exploring the minds of those who truly believe the end is upon us. … read more

Guerilla Dining @ Nata Gallery 12.15
When you sit down for a meal at Nata Gallery, it’s like throwing down a gauntlet and daring chefs Katie Weinner and Mike Burtis to keep your ass in the seat long enough to try each and every offering that they’ve created on a given evening. … read more