The Utah Film Critics Association Awards

The Utah Film Critics Association Awards

The Utah Film Critics Association met on Thursday, Dec. 20 to vote on their top picks of 2012.  … read more

HVDD Molly Morbids Get The Plague @ The Hive 12.15

HVDD Molly Morbids Get The Plague @ The Hive 12.15

At the The Hive, the Happy Valley Derby Darlins hosted an event deemed Holiday Havoc. It was an opportunity for skaters across the state to come together, skate against each other, and watch the Molly Morbids take on the Plague from Moab Roller Derby.  … read more

The Ririe-Woodbury Dance company presents Three @ The Rose Wagner 12.13-12.15

The Ririe-Woodbury Dance company presents Three @ The Rose Wagner...

The Ririe-Woodbury Dance Company continued its countdown to the departure of Artistic Director Charlotte-Boye-Christensen, by presenting Three, which took the form of a retrospect of Boye-Christensen’s work, featuring pieces dating back as far as 1995 or as recently as earlier this season.  The show gave a broad overview of the choreographer’s work, displaying not only her exploration of technologies and media, but also an unusually broad expressive range. … read more

Pac Div with Snoop Dogg @ The Depot 12.21

Pac Div with Snoop Dogg @ The Depot 12.21

Watching Pac Div on stage reminded me why I love hip hop: They absolutely impressed the shit out of me and they were only 20 minutes into their set! Fun antics, probing lyrics, hyper energy and a beat you can twerk to—these are a few of my favorite things and Pac Div gave it to me, plus tenfold. … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2012

Dear Dickheads – December 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I am recently unemployed and been on the job hunt for a few weeks. Like most of your readers, I am in my mid-twenties, and have had difficulty obtaining a job. I am contributing much of this lack of employment on the part of age-ism. On two separate occasions, I’ve had potential employers generalize me as a Millennial and their apparent traits. How do I combat this generational stigma? … read more

Contributor Limelight: Dan Nailen

Contributor Limelight: Dan Nailen

Dan Nailen recently added his baritone enthusiasm to SLUG’s podcast, Soundwaves From The Underground, as the new host. Nailen is no stranger to Utah media, having formerly been a writer for the Salt Lake Tribune for over eight years, as well as the arts and entertainment editor for Salt Lake Magazine and managing editor of Salt Lake City Weekly. … read more

Top 5 Movies of 2012

Top 5 Movies of 2012

Another year down and another Top 5 List for the film aficionados! Since we only have a small amount of time left before the volcanoes start erupting across the planet, here’s the list of 2012’s best and worst movie offerings … thus far! … read more

Product Reviews 12/12

Product Reviews 12/12

Products from Logitech, LUSH Cosmetics, Plantronics SMS Audio and Tilley are reviewed. … read more

Beer Reviews 12/12

Beer Reviews 12/12

When looking back on this year, in regard to Utah beer, I’m glad. We’ve seen new breweries arise, more community involvement with craft brewing and enough high-point beer to ram down the fucking esophagus of that asshole who “only drinks real beer.” If those change-ups weren’t enough to convince you of an impending doom, allow this to be the icing on the cake: This is my last issue. Now, I know my two readers out there are heartbroken. So, Nana and UteBeerFan87, thank you for all your support over the years. … read more

National Music Reviews – December 2012

National Music Reviews – December 2012

Reviews of new music from Dragonette, E.D. Sedgwick, Hostage Calm, Incantation, Indian Handcrafts, Night Moves, Sleep Maps, and many more are featured … read more