Combing Through Layers of the Bizarre: Swoody Records’ Davin Abegg

Combing Through Layers of the Bizarre: Swoody Records’ Davin Abegg

Davin Abegg, founder of Swoody Records, seems to intentionally keep the labels purposes enigmatic, enjoying the feeling of haziness and discover that makes Swoody’s music. … read more

Mechanical Ghost: A Conversation with 80KV

Mechanical Ghost: A Conversation with 80KV

80KV is the moniker of local musician Autumn Rogers and centers around the use of motion-controlled gloves that Rogers uses as instruments. … read more

Evil Genius: Somewhere Between Nothing and Everything

Evil Genius: Somewhere Between Nothing and Everything

Evil Genius are a group that can’t really be pinned down—their exhilarating and explorative music delves into many different styles and moods. … read more