Dear Dickheads – October 2011

Dear Dickheads – October 2011

Dear Dickheads,
The stick I have up my ass today comes from the fucking budweiser ads on the back cover of the mag. To me, this seems totally hypocritical of everything else you try to convey. Be individual, buy local, drink craft, and fuck corporate. Anheuser busch is none of these things. … read more

Dear Dickheads – November 2011

Dear Dickheads – November 2011

Dear Dickheads,
I am at the ripe age of 19. I can stroll into any smoke shop around this town and purchase enough stogies to take out a lung. I can write in whoever the fuck I feel like on a presidential voting ballot. I can get married and start poppin’ out wee ones. You know what I can’t do? Go see a damn band play live. … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2011

Dear Dickheads – December 2011

SLUG defends Princess Kennedy and declares that all cops are bastards. … read more

Dear Dickheads – January 2012

Dear Dickheads – January 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I live in the same neighborhood as your wonderful establishment: Pierpont Avenue. I’m wondering if any of you are also living an episode of Parking Wars, as am I. You see, I’ve been living in the area for over three years now, and didn’t have a car until recently, but now that I have one, I spend more money on parking tickets than I do on fucking gas! … read more

David Henry Amador  1975-2012

David Henry Amador 1975-2012

Everyone always had their own nickname for Dave Amador. At SLUG, Amador made up his own when he chose to write under the pseudonym of Peter Panhandler back in 2005. He’d handwrite a rough draft on yellow lined paper, bring it in and read it to me aloud. I always loved these readings—he’d stop and laugh at his own jokes or ask “Is it okay if I write that?” … read more

Dear Dickheads – February 2012

Dear Dickheads – February 2012

Dear Dickheads,
On August 26, RadioActive aired a show asking the question “why are there not more female-fronted rock bands in Utah?” I called in and stuck my foot in my mouth, in a sense. I said that I feel it may have something to do with folks looking up to their favorite bands as idols rather than people just like themselves expressing their ideas through music. … read more

Dear Dickheads – March 2012

Dear Dickheads – March 2012

Hey Dickheads,
I’m reading the latest copy of your fine publication, and I’m confused, and a little offended by a statement made by you “dickheads”. The statement “if you can buy a band’s shirt at JC Penney, that band sucks,” is a pretty dumb thing to publish. You were referring to Pink Floyd in this instance. I don’t know if you guys just aren’t musicians, or have down syndrome, but Pink Floyd deserves some respect from you hipsters. … read more

Dear Dickheads – April 2012

Dear Dickheads – April 2012

Hey Dickheads,
I barely see anything political in SLUG, and I wanna know what you guys think about the recent bills on sex education and abortion … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2012

Dear Dickheads – December 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I am recently unemployed and been on the job hunt for a few weeks. Like most of your readers, I am in my mid-twenties, and have had difficulty obtaining a job. I am contributing much of this lack of employment on the part of age-ism. On two separate occasions, I’ve had potential employers generalize me as a Millennial and their apparent traits. How do I combat this generational stigma? … read more

Dear Dickheads – May 2012

Dear Dickheads – May 2012

Dear Dickheads,
There are not many reasons I pick up your mag every month. I really do enjoy Mike Brown and the Princess, and there’s usually one band that I care enough about to at least read the article. But for the past few months I’ve been a pretty upset over the lack of mildly pornographic Blue Botique [sic] ads. … read more