Exploring Craters: The Soft Moon and the Making of Deeper

Exploring Craters: The Soft Moon and the Making of Deeper

Perhaps it’s not too dramatic to say that listening to The Soft Moon is like wading into the riptide of a black pool—to immerse yourself in the tremulous and unpredictable forces of the project’s single visionary, Luis Vasquez.

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Monument Cabs: Small Beginnings, Big Sounds

Monument Cabs: Small Beginnings, Big Sounds

Dave Jones and Max Johnson, bandmates in Oldtimer and owners of Monument Cabs, have been friends for over 15 years. They officially started their company just five years ago, but their experience with DIY craftsmanship goes further back than even their friendship.

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The Wanderer’s Tradition: An Interview with Bombino

The Wanderer’s Tradition: An Interview with Bombino

Omara Moctar, known internationally as the Nigerien psych-rock hero Bombino, is the local and living legend of a small tribe in the country of Niger. While on his international tour, Salt Lake will have the good fortune of seeing him at no charge at The Salt Lake County Building on May 15–17 for The 30th Annual Living Traditions Festival this summer. Recently, SLUG was able to interview Moctar about his music and his message.

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Christmas Wish List from the Underground: A Collection of Appeals From Grown-Ass Adults

Christmas Wish List from the Underground: A Collection of Appeals...

Remember when you were young and anxious, desperately propelling yourself up from the tile floor of a shopping mall with your toes just to glimpse the red mess of a man who, according to your sources, planned on hooking it up big time? We remember. That’s why SLUG recently sat down with a handful of members from Utah’s underground music community and asked them some irresponsibly Christian-based questions about what they want for Christmas this year. … read more