Studios Among Us

Studios Among Us

Have you noticed that giant EA logo at the corner of 300 South and State? EA Salt Lake, formerly Headgate Studios, began producing software in 1992 and moved from its original home in Bountiful to downtown SLC in July of 2010. Originally strictly developing for Sierra Entertainment, they went on to produce Tiger Woods Golf for PC before being purchased and rolled into the fold of EA. I had one simple mission: to play the new Sims 3: Into the Future Expansion and make it my bitch.  … read more

Dig This: The Pyrate Punx

Dig This: The Pyrate Punx

Keeping the spirit of punk alive and well, the Pyrate Punx are a force to be reckoned with. Fed up with a lack of decent, underground gigs coming through Utah, local punk rockers saw the potential to start the Salt Lake Pyrate Punx chapter. The SLC chapter formed, drawing from a wealth of experience and influences from other Pyrate Punx chapters around the globe, and has gained quite a reputation. … read more

Dark Passengers: Riding the Void with Holy Grail

Dark Passengers: Riding the Void with Holy Grail

Touring almost nonstop since the release of Ride the Void in January, Holy Grail are working hard to keep their name on the minds of metalheads nationwide. Even though the band is comparatively new to the national stage, they’re determined to keep people excited and to build on their success. “It’s great to see that hard work actually pays off,” says guitarist Eli Santana. … read more

Smang Lake City Vol. 2: Turquoise Jeep is Riding through

Smang Lake City Vol. 2: Turquoise Jeep is Riding through

“Lemme smang it, girl, smash it and bang”: If you don’t automatically know where these lyrics come from, you were either born into an anti-technology polygamist family or have parents that solely bought their kids educational toys for Christmas. Turquoise Jeep rolled through to SLC at Kilby last May, and they’re coming back Nov. 17 to Kilby AND Urban. … read more

Tycho: Visual Articulation of Musical Ideas

Tycho: Visual Articulation of Musical Ideas

The ability to create something—a painting, a song, a piece of clothing, jewelry, whatever it might be—to communicate an idea because it’s the only way that you know how to get it out of your head and into the world, is powerful. The way Tycho expresses his ideas and feelings resonates deeply with a wide audience, which is telling of his intuitive talent as a musician.  … read more

Under the Rose: Thinking About Death with SubRosa

Under the Rose: Thinking About Death with SubRosa

Over the last five years, SubRosa has grown into one of Salt Lake City’s better-known metal bands, and with the release of More Constant Than The Gods on Profound Lore Sept. 17, the band has shown that their high profile is well-earned. This third full-length release shows a startling amount of growth in lyrical and musical quality from No Help For The Mighty Ones. Guitarist Rebecca Vernon calls it, “By far, the most grueling album I’ve ever put together.”  … read more

Through Smoke and Music: the Spiritual Reckoning of Dax Riggs

Through Smoke and Music: the Spiritual Reckoning of Dax Riggs

Dax Riggs is a different breed. While his songs may have evolved through the decades, Riggs is proud of every inch of his catalogue. His most recent years have introduced fans to a raw and toned-down brand of folksy swamp-rock blues that is powerful in its minimalist and stark expressions of primeval darkness from Riggs’ deep, crooning voice.  … read more

Princess Kennedy: Growing Up Kennedy

Princess Kennedy: Growing Up Kennedy

I’m the youngest of seven children, and Brady ­­we’re not. I thought I’d share a little insight into a prominent Mormon family that has all the real–life problems of “less important, non-title holding members.” I’m thanking god, at this point, that none of them read my column, cuz honey, I’m about to get real on you bitches! … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Oliver Buchanan

Skate Photo Feature: Oliver Buchanan

The IBM stairs are big. I have wanted to shoot with someone here for a long time, and who better to skate these stairs than Oliver?  … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Jazz Nation Predictions

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Jazz Nation Predictions

If you know me at all, you know it’s safe to say I’m somewhat of a narcissist and only truly care about three things in life: my cat Jet Pack, free drinks and the Utah Jazz. … read more