Photographer: Jake Vivori

Behold: Princess Ramona
Behold: For this SLUG Mag Local Photography Issue, I bestow upon you Princess Ramona, Lordess of Rose Park, heir to the throne of Salt Lake County and ruler of all things pink. Because that’s her favorite color. She’s very particular—as are most cats. For some reason, all her favorite toys are pink. … read more

Crucial for Utah: Crucialfest 7
Ultimately, Crucialfest 7 is a festival made by Utahns for Utahns, and it is a must-see for local music aficionados and fans of the headlining bands alike. … read more

Hoodlum Day Parade: A Go Skateboard Day Reflection
It was like a war-raid with all the busy horns honking in protest and the freshly road-rashed participants lining the gutters, who were looking over their carnage while yelling, “fuck yeah!” or “whoo!” in support of the bombers. … read more

Summer of Death: Roughside of the Trax II
On September 24, the Roughneck crew came out to Salt Lake City from their San Franciscan homeland once again for SLUG’s 2nd annual Summer of Death: Roughside of the Trax skate contest. Roughside of the Trax, the Salt Lake version of Roughneck Hardware’s BART Tour, takes skaters along our city’s Trax line to street spots in a contest format. … read more

Building Boards After Dark
After Dark Skateboards is a new, thriving project in the Salt Lake City community. Owner, creator and visionary Mark Judd brings his fine-tuned woodworking expertise from the cabinetry industry to his passion for skateboarding, making some of the highest-quality handmade skateboards in America. On an almost daily basis, you will find Judd slaving away at his craft, making sure every After Dark skateboard is pressed, shaped, printed and packaged to meet his personal standard. … read more

Millworks Skateboard MFG.: Out of the Trash, Into the Streets
There is something magical about taking what some people consider garbage and recycling it to give it new life. This is especially magical when that garbage needing to be recycled is your old skateboard. Millworks Skateboard Manufacturing, or in more appropriate terms, re-manufacturing, is a small venture started about a year ago out of the Millcreek garage of Aaron Schwendiman. “It started from just a stack of old decks,” Schwendiman says. “Every skateboarder has a pile of old decks—I just wanted to make them skate-able again.” … read more

I Am Salt Lake Podcast: The Larry King Live of...
Chris Holifield has worked hard to dispel ideas that Salt Lake City is a boring place to be by creating the I Am Salt Lake Podcast: a truly unique show that features local businesses, musicians and everyday people who make Salt Lake such an amazing city. As a non-native, Holifield sees the city through different eyes and believes that the people here are inspiring. He considers himself the “Larry King of Salt Lake City,” and he wants to hear your story. … read more

K-Phresh Shreds the Utah Gnar
The last thing I expected when I started working at SLUG was to write anything about snowboarding, let alone to actually learn how to snowboard. I am a desert rat from a Polynesian family—I wasn’t exactly bred for the cold. One thing I discovered upon moving to Salt Lake was that winter ultimately sucks and I hate it. But after noticing how excited my friends get when it snows each winter, I decided that learning to snowboard might give me a reason to want to “pray for snow” right along with them. … read more

In Da Streets
Unbenkownst to many, the streets of Salt Lake City are home to a wide variety of spots perfect for skiing or snowboarding. Photographer Jake Vivori scooped out the best locations and snapped photos of some talented riders using these spots to their full potential. … read more

Gallery Stroll: Mission Accomplished – UAA Main Street Goes Out...
The announcement: “The Utah Arts Alliance announces ‘Mission Accomplished’ …” That mission: to bring life and creativity back to Main Street. Now making way for the Utah Performing Arts Center (UPAC), the UAA Main Street Gallery can and should feel a sense of accomplishment and pride in what they have helped inspire. … read more