
Julie N. Xiety: 07.08.94 – 01.23.15
Julie touched countless, endless souls. Through time here and now there, any, everywhere … together yet we are here. … read more

Kyle Trammell aka Tyler Mackmell
Kyle Trammell aka Tyler Mackmell: Jan. 10, 1989 — Jan. 2015

Burt’s Tiki Lounge – In Memoriam
Burt’s Tiki Lounge was a place where one checked their “scene cred” at the door and let the bar’s flier-ridden walls tell the venue’s story—and a damn-good chunk of Utah’s underground music tale at that. … read more

Jeff Michael Vice – February 2, 1965 – May 27,...
On May 27, Salt Lake City lost one of its favorite sons. Jeff Vice was somebody that everyone in town knew—he couldn’t walk into any bar or coffee shop without seeing a friend or being recognized by a fan with whom he would instantly interact, as if they were already friends. He gave everyone his attention and was always ready to talk movies, music and comics expertly and passionately. … read more

Farewell Transmission: RIP Jason Molina
It’s an all-too-familiar story: A brilliant rock musician succumbs to addiction, the urge to pick up a bottle or a needle, and not put it down. Those are some of the oft-romanticized rock creation/destruction myths. Rock music history is a stockpile, a wrecking yard littered with them. One of the latest casualties, March 16 of this year, was Jason Molina of the bands Songs: Ohia and Magnolia Electric Co, from organ failure due to alcoholism. … read more
Colton Reeves Ericksen 1993-2013
Colton Reeves Ericksen, often called “Toner,” was a 19-year-old beacon of light whose passion for life, music and his friends was tragically cut short. He passed on July 15, traveling to Chicago with our band, Dark Seas, in a freeway accident. … read more
MickDeth Richard Morris – 03.09.78 to 06.02.13
Mick must have been about 12 or 13 when he first started coming into The Heavy Metal Shop. I remember that he was with his mom and grandma. They would buy him T-shirts––of course, Mick would pick out Cannibal Corpse, Slayer and Samhain shirts. Like most kids, the gorier, bloodier or most offensive shirts were the ones he picked, especially if Mom was buying them. I usually get the evil eye from the mothers, like it’s my fault. Mick’s mom and grandma were the opposite of that––they were so nice. I would see them quite often and was always happy to see them. They were very supportive of Mick’s interest in music and understood how important it was to him. … read more

Simon April 8, 1974 – Jan. 9, 2013
Simon had an enthusiasm toward life that inspired me. I looked up to her, and I always will for her ability to look beyond the obvious value of something. She appreciated the intricacies in people that make them imperfect, and make them who they are. Nobody has ever had me feeling as cool, as smart or as interesting as Simon made me feel. I was flattered to be her friend. … read more

Aspen Harvey Hunt 08.28.75-01.27.10
Aspen Harvey Hunt was born into this world named Richard Harvey Padley Jr., but on account of our dad being a total douchebag, he quickly took on the name Harvey after our grandfather, a kind and gentle man. Not long after that, he legally changed his name to Aspen Harvey Hunt to honor our other grandfather and the aspen tree, the largest organism on the planet—as big as his personality. He seemed to change names like he changed girlfriends. … read more