Month: May 2007

Bellyography: Jaci – June 2007
Jaci evokes a memory of female strength and authority, while maintaining the beauty and sensuality of the dance. It is mythical, mesmerizing, and eternal. … read more

Mike Brown’s Gay John Amichi Interview
I think I’ve figured out why I hate typing interviews so much. It’s because I can’t listen to music while I write, which is normally how I like to write. Instead I have to listen to so-and-so bumble fucks voice over and over again while I constantly stop the beautiful flowing process of creating literature

Skateboard Product Reviews – June 2007
Reviews for Adidas shoes, Satori wheels and Stereo skateboards … read more

The Miserable Success of Tragic Black
Spring is drying up as the summer heat wave approaches; must be time for another three days of striking fashions, twisted poetry and music with a tilt towards the macabre as the annual Dark Arts Festival rears its beautiful head. We turn the spotlight on one prominent local artist: Tragic Black. … read more

Review: Fratricide
Fratricide Yilmaz Arslan Koch Lorber Films Street: 02.07 Four exiles living in Germany, two Turks and two Kurds, meet in the streets of Berlin. Their poor and desperate situation throws them into a violent crisis of identity and dignity, as they make unspeakable sacrifices to stay alive and send money home. The film has a

Review: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
RPG Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic may not be the best looking game out there. It may not even have the most riveting action. However, there is one department in which Knights of the Old Republic kicks a dump truck full of ass, and that is the story. … read more