Authors: Ross Solomon

Frightened Rabbit @ The Urban Lounge
It’s not too often that us Utah folks get a good taste of live Scottish rock. Sure, The Proclaimers reared their ugly heads recently to the delight of many boring 30-something women. But while those dumb whores were cumming in their pants to the Reid brothers walking another 500 miles (worst fucking song ever), those of us in the know were dancing our pants off to not just one, but three bands hailing from the heart of Scotland. … read more

Review: The War Tapes
The War Tapes Deborah Scranton Docurama Films Street: 05.15 Presented by actual soldiers on the front line, The War Tapes does an excellent job bringing out some of the truly gruesome details of the Iraqi War. Showing actual footage of anything from soldiers being shot and killed by enemy fire, to car bombs, to Iraqi

Review: Blessed by Fire
Blessed by Fire Tristán Bauer Koch Lorber Films Street: 07.17 Based on the war surrounding the ownership of the Malvinas Islands, Tristán Bauer delivers an amazing film and a truly moving and entertaining war movie experience. Focusing on the sheer brutality the Argentinian soldiers faced during this war, Blessed by Fire switches constantly from the

Review: South Park and Philosophy
South Park and Philosophy South Park and Philosophy Open Court Publishing Company Street: 03.01 For nearly a decade now, South Park has yet to fail the general American populous with the pointed political satire of Matt Stone and Trey Parker. Sure, it started out as a method for testing the patience of the FCC with
The Art of the Game: A Profile of Video Games...
A new era of entertainment was spawned with the invention of Pong, the now world-renowned “tennis simulation” game that featured not only an absolutely breath-taking monochrome color palette, but also a staggering array of two unique sounds. … read more

Localized – July 2009
This month’s Localized takes place July 10th at Urban Lounge, featuring Band of Annuals, David Williams, and Will Sartain. … read more

A Sunday at the Market
Ah, it’s another beautiful Sunday afternoon at the market. One of the vendors is taking a break for a moment to huck a few lines in the skatepark. The lady over there is offering a free coconut hand scrub, and the group meditation is going to start in 20. Wait—which market are we at again? … read more

National CD Reviews – October 2009
Reviews of national music, including new releases from The Black Dahlia Murder, Converge, The Entrance Band, Exene Cervenka, Health, Karl Blau, Liturgy, Mew, Pissed Jeans, Thrice, The Twilight Sad and many more. … read more

Video Game Reviews – November 2009
Video Game reviews this month include Halo 3: ODST, Need For Speed: Shift, Scribblenauts, Wet and Zombie Apocalypse. Nerd out. … read more

National CD Reviews – December 2009
This month’s national reviews feature releases from Asobi Seksu, Beak>, Dead To Me, Evangelista, The Mary Onettes, The Prodigy, The Rakes, Skeletonwitch, Slayer and many more. … read more