Photographer: Chad Kirkland

Rich D, owner of Big Deluxe Tattoo, 40th Birthday Surprise...
Big Deluxe Tattoo thew a surprise party for owner Rich D. on Sunday March 17, 2012 at Bar Deluxe. Photos: Chad Kirkland … read more

King Crybaby … Bitters
Crybaby Bitters is, ultimately, a product of founder Cody Kirkland’s passion and interest in cocktail experimentation. He started small by making batches of classic flavors and now has his very own brand of unique, specialty bitters that are available for the public’s enjoyment. … read more

Salt City Builds: Accustomed to Custom
Salt City Builds brothers Seth and Jason “Rev” Clark love motorcycles. … read more

Palace of Buddies
Nick Foster and Tim Myers have made music in Salt Lake in many incarnations over the last 12 years. Palace of Buddies, the current musical incarnation of Foster and Myers, plays an infectious assembly of electro-pop and dance-rock. Make sure to put on your blue dress and join Palace of Buddies as they get the party poppin’ at SLUG’s Blue Dress Birthday Bash on Feb. 17 at The Woodshed. … read more

Coachella Packing Checklist
This April, I’ll make my maiden voyage to the land of Indio, Calif. for the first weekend of Coachella. Although 2012 marks my first time, a number of my friends have been making the trek for years now. Considering how quickly both weekends sold out, I’m guessing many will be on the verge of losing their Coachella virginity. To make the first time a little less painful, I consulted some friends to create a handy Coachella packing guide. Enjoy! … read more

Princess Kennedy: He-She Love Connections
“Once, when I was on Jerry Springer …”
I love starting sentences like that—it always gets people’s attention, but alas, it’s true. When I was 29, some friends of mine had made up a tawdry story about a fucked-up love triangle and pitched it to the show. It was good enough to get us on a whirlwind trip to Chi-town where it was filmed, and, let me tell you, it was as unglamorous as you would probably imagine. … read more

Princess Kennedy: The Great Wig-Out of 2013
Cleopatra had hers dyed with saffron, the ancient Romans made them for their statues, Baroque times dictated men wear them, and women adorned them with the most preposterous scenes. Pastiche, peruke, rug, weave, periwig or toupee: Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of wigs! … read more

Princess Kennedy: Inversion Intervension
My dearest SLUG readers, I fear this could be my last column, as I am writing from my deathbed. I feel like I’m dying from slowly being poisoned by our past two months of The Inversion. March has finally arrived and with it comes a cleaner, clearer city, but the pollution still lingers in my body––I can feel it! I don’t know about you, but I seem to always forget about it during the 10-month period we’re Inversion-free. I have no doubt the effects linger long after. … read more

Quadruple Your Fun: Utah’s Four Freshest Brewpubs
When I reached the legal drinking age, I joked about aspiring to have a beer gut. I have always been a real scrawny guy with the metabolism of a hummingbird, so I figured I’d never consume enough beer to develop any visible bulge in my midsection. Half a dozen years later, the Utah craft beer scene directly correlates with my budding beer belly. Always eager to try new booze, the Kirkland brothers hit the road to see what’s brewing out in the desert of eastern Utah, on the edge of the Great Salt Lake and up the hill in the Avenues. … read more