A Communal Cure: Peasantries + Pleasantries

A Communal Cure: Peasantries + Pleasantries

More than just musical enjoyment, Parker Yates finds that the sounds stocked at his Peasantries + Pleasantries shop serve a special purpose. … read more

Localized: Beachmen

Localized: Beachmen

It’s been five years since Beachmen released their second and last album, now they are making a comeback for SLUG’s Localized Showcase. … read more

Localized: Tayler Lacey

Localized: Tayler Lacey

Folk musician Tayler Lacey is a 100% independent artist who will be performing at SLUG’s localized showcase in early December. … read more

Low Pop Suicide

Low Pop Suicide

Low Pop Suicide made it to the Cinema Bar on February 18th. Before the show, Rick Boston was kind enough to sit down and share his insight with SLUG. … read more