You Have the Right to Clean Water: The Battle Cry of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

You Have the Right to Clean Water: The Battle Cry...

Changing the world is a long and drawn-out process. When those in power refuse to build a better society, this duty falls on everyday folks like you and me. … read more

Mine Versus Mind: The Art Criticism of Douglas Crimp

Mine Versus Mind: The Art Criticism of Douglas Crimp

It may very well be that the wall-of-yawn survey courses that drive so many bright students back to retail are “moralizing cultural conservativism disguised as progressive modernism.” This phrase belongs to Douglas Crimp, professor of visual studies at the University of Rochester. Scholars currently debate what this edgy new discipline actually is, but this much

Showdown for Senate: Pete Ashdown Challenges Orrin Hatch … Will He Become Utah’s Next Senator Elect?

Showdown for Senate: Pete Ashdown Challenges Orrin Hatch … Will...

Pete Ashdown (courtesy of The state of the nation is very grave as our “president” continues behaving like a buffoon. Senator Orrin Hatch (R Utah) pretends to oppose the child president on issues such as stem cell research while behaving like a buffoon himself and sponsoring or supporting senseless constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage

SLUG Writer Claims to Have Seen a Sasquatch

SLUG Writer Claims to Have Seen a Sasquatch

When I first found out that SLUG was sending me to Washington State’s famous Sasquatch Festival, located at the scenic Gorge Amphitheater, I thought “good.” When I later found out that the festival had little if anything to do with the actual Bigfoot, I was skeptical. “Am I ever going to see Bigfoot?” I asked

Hey, F*#! You, Luigi! — An Interview With Captain Lou Albano

Hey, F*#! You, Luigi! — An Interview With Captain Lou...

If I knew what a shaggy dog story was, I would say that the life and career of Captain Lou Albano is one such story. Since I don’t have the slightest clue as to what a shaggy dog story is, I’ll have to come up with something else. So what is the story of the

The Moroccan Revisited: Long, Slow Death and the End of an Era

The Moroccan Revisited: Long, Slow Death and the End of...

Scenes thrive around a center, be it a band, label or venue. Salt Lake venues have long been the catalysts fueling the city’s fire. One of Salt Lake’s greatest, most influential and most unknown venues of the not-too-distant past was the Moroccan, and barely anyone under the age of 24 here knows about it. The

Dear Dickheads – August 2005

Dear Dickheads – August 2005

The scene that purports itself to be so rough and tumble actually has sunk itself into the hands of the corporations it tends to want to rebel against. When talking to an anonymous psychobilly friend of mine he admitted to listening to Glenn Gould and Perry Como while buying hair gel!  … read more

Miranda July: From Kill Rock Stars to Killing Hollywood with Kindness

Miranda July: From Kill Rock Stars to Killing Hollywood with...

“The thing about walking, as compared to driving, is that when you’re walking, you really don’t know what’s going to happen to you: You could trip and fall, or you could get hit by a rock or a car, or a person could hit you, could yell at your ass … but while I am