Slamdance 2021

Slamdance Film Review: ISAAC
ISAAC is a film that gives you breadcrumbs and allows you to make meaning, and while that might be daunting, that final moment of clarity is worth chasing. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Mia Misses Her Revenge
Mia Misses Her Revenge opens various conversations regarding men and the benefit of having supportive friends helping through bad breakups. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: After America
Starring real-life criminal justice deescalation workers, After America is so becoming of its drab setting it is barely memorable. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: A Family
A Family offers its audience more than enough to chew on with a deep, emotionally sensitive reflection on family and trauma. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: Bad Attitude: The Art of Spain Rodriguez
Bad Attitude: The Art of Spain Rodriguez offers a well-rounded look into the evolution of Spain and how that impacted the world around him. … read more

Slamdance Film Review: The Sleeping Negro
Despite attempts to engage in a pressing dialogue, The Sleeping Negro reads as a bunch of ideas—full of potential, but starving for nuance. … read more