Local Review: MCKC – Is OK

Local Review: MCKC – Is OK

MCKC = Bad Astronaut + Toh Kay + Frank Turner
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Local Review: Hot House West – Django in Orbit

Local Review: Hot House West – Django in Orbit

Hot House West = Pokey Lafarge + Rhythm Future Quartet + The Fat Babies … read more

Content Shifter: 9 Streaming Series from 2009

Content Shifter: 9 Streaming Series from 2009

TV had a pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty good 2009, as well. Here are nine iconic-to-obscure shows that debuted 10 years ago to stream while pondering what the hell you’ve done with your life. … read more

New Year’s Eve Party in SLC: Bar X or Beer Bar?

New Year’s Eve Party in SLC: Bar X or Beer...

Looking for something to do on New Year’s Eve? Bar X and Beer Bar will each be hosting NYE parties—no need to choose, you can go to both! Join this guy December 31st, from 8 p.m.–1 a.m at Beer Bar and from 10 p.m.–1 a.m. at Bar X. … read more

11 Great Experimental Albums That You Might’ve Missed in 2018

11 Great Experimental Albums That You Might’ve Missed in 2018

Amid the fun of year-end lists, it’s easy to get lost in the press. In an effort to give voice to some undeservedly unsung releases, this feature highlights 11 great albums from across the experimental underground. … read more

SLUG Style: Rebecca Baker

SLUG Style: Rebecca Baker

Rebecca Baker is a librarian and grad student. She is a paper and print maker, and has her own zine called That Smarts. … read more

Book Review: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Book Review: Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage is the latest official adventure from the maniacal minds over at Wizards of the Coast. This tome guides players down over 20 dungeon floors beneath the eponymous city’s western mountain to thwart the titular mage. It also serves as something of a sequel to the September release of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, progressing characters from levels 5-20. … read more

Thom Yorke @ The Union 12.13 w/ Oliver Coates

Thom Yorke @ The Union 12.13 w/ Oliver Coates

God came in the form of the mythical figure, Thom Yorke, known best as the frontperson of Radiohead, but here performing a set of solo music. While his musical and social glorification stems from a real talent for performance and songwriting, his latest show exposed the seams of his work. … read more

The Dayroom

The Dayroom

Elaine Sayer walks me through the foundational tenets of The Dayroom. She handles beverages and curation while Milo Carrier does food, and Emily Gassmann owns and operates the building. … read more