The Annual Invasion is Upon Us

The Annual Invasion is Upon Us

Ahh, Sundance Season. Time for that quaint little film festival put on by that little man who once watched Butch riding Katharine Ross around on bicycle handlebars to tumble into town followed by people, events and opportunities nigh seen around these parts any other time of year.
  … read more

Back to the Snowy Roots: The Re-Birth of Telemark Skiing

Back to the Snowy Roots: The Re-Birth of Telemark Skiing

Josh Madsen is a 26-year-old Pro Telemark Skier. He has been living in Utah for more than 10 years and has been telemark skiing for 12 years. Recently, in-between a filming trip to Austria with the Line Ski Team and a road trip to British Columbia with friends to go heli skiing… … read more

Dear Dickheads – January 2005

Dear Dickheads – January 2005

 I’ve even seen a shirt advertised on Yahoo that says, “Die Hipsters Die” and it’s being worn by a dude who looks pretty damn close to a hipster himself! I mean what the hell? … read more

Katchup – January 2005

Katchup – January 2005

Talk of how to not die, how to win stuff by being a good snowboarder and how to learn to ride if you’re a girl.  … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2004

Dear Dickheads – December 2004

Dear Dickheads, I have just one question, what in the Hell is “revival rock?”It sounds like something Rolling Stone or MTV might have come up with. Here’s what Random House has to say about the word “revival”: , n. 1. the act of reviving. 2. the state of being revived. 3. restoration to life,