Katchup – November 2004

Katchup – November 2004

I thought I would have time to tell you all about tentative opening dates, but most of the time they are wrong, based on early snowfalls (like this year) or warm fronts. I will say that Brighton Ski Resort is OPEN for business (earliest in 15 years) with a new and improved Terrain Park as well as a new Majestic Quad. Can I get a hell yeah?!  … read more

Bellydancing – November 2004

Bellydancing – November 2004

If you have attended the International Dance Gala, Mirage in Winter, Spring Fest and several other belly dance events, you have heard the mellifluous voice of Ana Kitka za Sofia announcing the dancers. I call her “The Voice of Belly Dance,” but did you know that she has been dancing in Utah for 22 years?

Dear Dickheads – October 2004

Dear Dickheads – October 2004

Dear Dickheads, I have spent the last four years listening to ‘sheep’ who have had their political information chewed up and given to them by Sean Hannity, Dr. Laura, Bill O’Reilly, et al. These retarded rednecks then regurgitate the bits of ‘fact’ they have received and see themselves as able political ‘debaters’. I am goddamn

The Family that Skates Together Stays Together

The Family that Skates Together Stays Together

I fell asleep to Schoolhouse Rocks the other night; Maybe Kim Bowerbank should get her son a copy so he can sit in front of the TV instead of annoying the neighbors with his damn skateboard. [Tyson]For those familiar with the Hanger 18/Marine Products ramp, it is now in the Bowerbank’s backyard (e-mail me for

Bellydancing – October 2004

Bellydancing – October 2004

This months’ bellydancing column is about Tamar, the director of the Giza School in SLC. [Tamar]Middle Eastern dance or belly dance, is considered to be a derivative of some of the world’s oldest known dance forms. Middle Eastern or Oriental dance is a multi faceted art, and the term, belly dance, applies to several different

Zen & the Art of Skateboarding

Zen & the Art of Skateboarding

“With a calm, silent, hidden smile not unlike a healthy child’s, the Buddha walked, wearing the cloak and setting his feet down like all his monks, according to a precise regulation.” – Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha. In every community, every walk of life, every art form, there is a motivated soul, always one step ahead in action

Dear Dickheads – September 2004

Dear Dickheads – September 2004

Dear Dickheads, What’s up, I love your magazine and Sabbathon was great. I bought one of those Death By Salt CD’s, three disc’s of local music for ten bucks? That fucking rocks. However, I have a complaint with that Kevlar7 dude. What the fuck is up with him always making fun of emo and screamo!?Dear

Long  Jon Silverfishman

Long Jon Silverfishman

Jon Lech Johansen is from Norway, land of the Vikings. Like them, he is a pirate; unlike them, he has less than a thimble full of testosterone. Like the high school jocks who now bag (and teabag?) Maddox‘s groceries, old-school knuckleheads have gotten their comeuppance. The virtual ocean (and therefore the world) is now navigated by

We Want the Airwaves Back: Pirate Radio Inspiration

We Want the Airwaves Back: Pirate Radio Inspiration

I was assigned to write a piece about pirate radio for this month’s issue so I contacted pirate radio’s most infamous guru: Tecspectr. We made arrangements to meet, and later that week, he showed up at the SLUG office carrying an inconspicuous black shoulder bag. Tall and thin, an engineer by trade, I could tell

The Pirate Within

The Pirate Within

Piracy has existed throughout the whole of history. During the height of the Pax Romana pirates held Julius Caesar captive. Then again, the Romans were some of the most widely operating pirates of all time.The Vikings were also pirates. They would go up and down the British and French coasts terrorizing and pillaging wealthy monasteries.