Mike Brown: The World of Glass Blowing with the Borosyndicate Crew

Mike Brown: The World of Glass Blowing with the Borosyndicate...

This article is a small glimpse into the world that is Borosyndicate Productions, an artistic empire created by Kenny Holliday that Willy Wonka would be proud of. … read more

Mike Brown: Washed-Up Skaters

Mike Brown: Washed-Up Skaters

I come from the days of the early ’90s, when skateboarding was mostly considered petty vandalism and there was no such thing as a skate park. … read more

Mike Brown: Repo Ride-Along!

Mike Brown: Repo Ride-Along!

I asked Josh if I could go on a repo ride-along with him for the day and get the low-down on Tow Town. It was a ton of fun! It started with Josh picking me up, and we smoked cigs in the cab of the tow truck while we caught up. … read more

Mike Brown: Going Out and Staying Level

Mike Brown: Going Out and Staying Level

Going out to the bar can be such a hassle these days. You have to log off your social media to get ready to go out, then log back in to show everyone in your cyber life that you are ready to go out, then log out to get to where you are going out to, then log back in to show everyone you were out, check your likes at the end of the night, boost your cyber-self-esteem and repeat the cycle. … read more

Mike Brown: Adventures in Merch Peddling!

Mike Brown: Adventures in Merch Peddling!

Over the years, SLUG has spotlighted sound technicians, bartenders, show promoters and probably an after-show puke mopper, but I cannot recall us ever focusing on a seemingly instrumental and important job of any live show, and that is the merch guy—or girl in this case: I interviewed Sara Monroe, who has been behind the table for over 15 years, in order to get the lowdown on the whole merch-selling gig. … read more

Mike Brown: Dream Diary

Mike Brown: Dream Diary

They are mutated pit bulls with pig-like faces, but they have tiny legs, and they are all staring at me and my broken snow cone with a strong look of jealousy and contempt. This is just a tiny excerpt from one of the strange dreams I have on a regular basis. – SLUG Mag … read more

Mike Brown: Tinder Bender

Mike Brown: Tinder Bender

It’s amazing what our phones can do these days. They’re little computers in our pocket that keep us all warm at night and do everything for us. In fact, to me it’s strange that we are even still calling them phones. Phone calls are the thing I least use my phone for. Among the many apps in Cyber Land, there are several that will supposedly help you get laid, go on a boring date or meet a life partner—whichever you prefer. The most popular one is probably Tinder. … read more

Mike Brown: The Joys of Cooking

Mike Brown: The Joys of Cooking

I spent a brief period of my work career in the trenches of a restaurant kitchen—not cooking, of course, as you will learn that I suck tremendously at morphing ingredients into edible contents. Alas, I basically only learned one thing from these experiences—that there are only two kinds of cooks in the kitchen: the happy chef and the angry chef. … read more

Mike Brown: The Liquor Store!

Mike Brown: The Liquor Store!

For SLUG’s Distillery Issue, I’m guiding our loyal, drunk readers on how to best navigate through the liquor store, and revealing the best deals. Since I pretty much just drink Jim Beam and it’s been on sale lately, I’ll start by suggesting that. I’ll do my best to guide you through the alcoholic apocalypse, but for the

Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of Mormon Fashion

Mike Brown: How I Broke into the Wild World of...

My friend Laura Kiechle always seems to be happy about her job. Me, on the other hand, I almost always hate my jobs. I think it’s natural to always hate your job because if you don’t, how do you enjoy your time off? People who love their jobs must hate their days off. I, on