Mike Brown: Wet Goddess

Mike Brown: Wet Goddess

Over the years of having the privilege and headache of writing for SLUG, I have conducted several interviews. It’s always an interesting process. It’s not like writing an opinion piece where I just get to talk some shit for 900 words about whatever I want. With an interview, you never know what you are going

Mike Brown: Rose Park Life

Mike Brown: Rose Park Life

I recently moved away from the comfort and convenience of living Downtown to the Rose Park area, which is happily located north and west of Downtown. Most of my grown-up friends who aren’t total alcoholics and have managed to maintain a decent credit score and somehow pay off their student loans have bought houses out

Mike Brown: Miss Utah!!!

Mike Brown: Miss Utah!!!

A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing the current Miss Utah. The last time I interacted with a pageant queen was when I was asked to show a former Miss Utah how to skateboard on the live morning local newscast. Needless to say, she ended up eating street on live TV

Mike Brown: The Beer Garden

Mike Brown: The Beer Garden

Apparently, just like actual SLUG readers, IRL slugs are attracted to the sugar in the beer—but they drink too much, get drunk and drown in the beer. 

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Mike Brown: Craft Cocktailing

Mike Brown: Craft Cocktailing

Just like guys sagging their skinny jeans, there’s a trend I’m noticing in this city that I’m not a big fan of. For all I know, it’s a trend everywhere, but since I’ve been too broke to go on vacation for a year and a half, I don’t know. It’s a trend in the local booze world, with which I am way too familiar. It’s the craft cocktail. 

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Mike Brown: My Name is Mike Brown

Mike Brown: My Name is Mike Brown

My name is Mike Brown. It is a plain and boring name. When my parents were initially going to name me, they wanted to name me Matt but decided that was too common of a name. True story.

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Mike Brown: Quitting Smoking

Mike Brown: Quitting Smoking

Kurt Vonnegut once said that smoking is the only honorable form of suicide. I suppose that opinion is debatable, but then so is bacon, chocolate and Mormonism. Cigs give you cancer, bacon gives you heart attacks, chocolate gives you diabetes, and Mormonism will bore you to death. And if death is inevitable, then doesn’t that mean that we all are just committing suicide a tiny bit each and every day somehow?

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Mike Brown: My Favorite Presidents

Mike Brown: My Favorite Presidents

This month, I’ve chosen to write about those great men that lead our great country and how they are all great and stuff. These fine men adorn our currency and fuck with it when they are in office. They sometimes act like assholes and are easy targets for everyone to hate, but probably have one of the easiest jobs in the world because other assholes are making the real decisions and doing their job for them.

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Mike Brown: New Year’s Resolutions

Mike Brown: New Year’s Resolutions

If I set New Year’s resolutions for myself, I’m just going to fail miserably and hurt my own feelings—and I’m a pretty sensitive guy when I’m sober. So, the only thing I’m changing in 2015 is my underwear. That being said, I came up with some New Year’s resolutions that I would like to see from other people. 

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Mike Brown: The DI

Mike Brown: The DI

You can criticize the Mormons all you want. As far as organizations go, they are easy to hate, but you can’t argue with some of the great things they do for the community … and I’m not talking about free cheese. I’m talking about the Mormon-backed retail outlet that draws numerous consumers to its stores every day but Sunday. No, not City Creek. … read more