Review: XCOM 2

Review: XCOM 2

Until I played 2012’s XCOM: Enemy Unknown, concepts like probabilities, percentages and risk management were never terms that got my motor running. Now that Firaxis and 2K have released a sequel to their turn-based strategy game, I’m starting to see my everyday life in these terms. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Yoga Hosers

Sundance Film Review: Yoga Hosers

My introduction to Kevin Smith began early in my life. My older brother rented Clerks and threw it into our VCR (yep. That long ago) without really considering the fact that his eighth-grade kid brother was in the same room. The Mallrats soundtrack was the first CD that I ever bought with my own money, and Weezer’s “Suzanne” still manages to fill me with high school nostalgia. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Captain Fantastic

Sundance Film Review: Captain Fantastic

Regardless of a filmmaker’s talent, making a meaningful drama about a quirky family is like navigating a minefield. Celluloid families are typically plagued with some degree of syrupy sweetness or sappy tragedy, but Matt Ross’s Captain Fantastic captures the emotional core of what makes all families tick and his stellar cast promptly follows suit. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Certain Women

Sundance Film Review: Certain Women

Typically, shooting a film against the big sky country of Montana evokes images of tough guys doing tough things. While the tough things are still present, Kelly Reichardt’s introspective film focuses on the women who ultimately pick up the pieces after the tough guys break themselves apart. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Under the Shadow

Sundance Film Review: Under the Shadow

When Gullermo Del Toro used Pan’s Labyrinth as an allegorical scalpel to dissect the horrors of the Spanish Civil War, he opened a door to possibilities that few filmmakers have had the talent and imagination to explore. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Carnage Park

Sundance Film Review: Carnage Park

Writer/director Mickey Keating has tried his hand at many different horror subgenres, including sci-fi body horror with Pod and slow descents into madness with Darling. Carnage Park demonstrates his knack for imagining uniquely terrifying scenarios and then inflicting them upon his characters. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Antibirth

Sundance Film Review: Antibirth

A film like Antibirth is the reason that I’m willing to take a gamble on Sundance’s Midnight section. It strikes a rare balance in that it portrays a visually arresting and bizarre story while bringing relevant subtext and spot-on character acting along for the ride. … read more

Sundance Film Review: 31

Sundance Film Review: 31

There was something oddly comforting about my experience with Rob Zombie’s psychobilly horror film. After so many of my film choices this year took me into territory that I wasn’t necessarily prepared for, 31 was exactly what I was hoping it would be—a heavily stylized jaunt into Rob Zombie’s carnival of carnage. … read more

Review: BRAWL

Review: BRAWL

BRAWL Bloober Team Reviewed on: PS4 (exclusive) Street: 04.24 When Bloober Team released their Bomberman-style party game, Basement Crawl, on PS4 in early 2014, it was met with outright hostility. A little more than a year later, the Polish game developers have released BRAWL, which is the same concept with more bells and whistles. While

Sundance Film Review: Trash Fire

Sundance Film Review: Trash Fire

The horror/comedy is a tricky genre to blend. While it seems like the two fit hand in hand, very few directors have been able to actually make it work. The problem with Trash Fire is that director and screenwriter Richard Bates, Jr. tried to make a horror/comedy that was also a family drama, a treatise on mental illness and a critique of religious conservatism. … read more