Authors: Ashley Lippert

Review: Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
Digimon is Bandai’s answer to the Pokemon craze, and back in the late ’90s, it was really the only rival. It started out as Tamagotchi-like virtual pets, morphed into an anime and then joined the world of video games. … read more

Review: Puzzle & Dragons Z + Puzzle & Dragons: Super...
After playing the Mario version of Puzzles & Dragons, I’m dying to see more Nintendo-fied games. This is a fantastic deal for two great versions of the iPad game Puzzles & Dragons—one with Mario characters and an RPG, Puzzle & Dragons Z. … read more

Review: Sym
The fear of interacting with people can be crippling for those with Social Anxiety Disorder—Sym is about Josh, a boy suffering with this disorder. … read more

Random Breakfast: Stepping Into the Gaming Industry
There’s plenty going on in the gaming industry right here in our backyard, and we need to start feeding those flames by supporting local game creators. One group of students has started a small gaming studio called Random Breakfast, and their first game, StepPets, hit the app store on Dec. 1. … read more

Review: Ripper Street: Season Three
Ripper Street is a bit more old-school than other procedurals since it’s set in the time of Jack the Ripper in 1889, but it’s still entertaining. … read more

Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Pulverizer Power
Growing up, I watched all the geeky Saturday morning cartoons I could—X-Men, Batman, Spiderman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles were my favorites. … read more

Review: LEGO Jurassic World
My reason for picking up LEGO Jurassic World was more or less the same reason I watched Jurassic World—trained velociraptors. … read more

Review: Moonrise
In Moonrise, you’re a warden that cleanses Lunari and converts them back to their friendly, Solari selves. … read more

Review: Splatoon
Splatoon is Nintendo’s odd take on a shooter—instead of bullets, you’re shooting ink everywhere. … read more

Review: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Return to NYC
The last DVD set I reviewed for the Ninja Turtles was pretty terrible—thankfully, this is a return to the great show that I love. … read more