BS Mag: The Metal Zine of SLC

BS Mag: The Metal Zine of SLC

Don’t be fooled by the title. BS Mag contains a lot of shit in its pages—features with established acts such as Immolation and Napalm Death and bands like Darklord and Communionist from the local scene, and even reviews of the latest, terrible horror movies—but it does not contain bullshit. … read more

Localized: Exes

Localized: Exes

With a fully vitalized lineup, EXES released their ferocity in their self-titled EP, which consisted of the three remaining tracks from full-length. … read more

Localized: Darklord

Localized: Darklord

SLC’s Darklord adhere to their namesake with both sound and imagery, bringing a grim wave of ambience with crawling guitar riffs that match their live, hammer-horror theatrics. … read more

Until the Body Quits: The Ditch and the Delta Sign to Prosthetic Records

Until the Body Quits: The Ditch and the Delta Sign...

“Lots of persistence,” says Ditch and the Delta drummer Charles Bogus after I asked what it took to get signed to Prosthetic Records. … read more

Feel This! – Descendents’ Milo Aukerman Continues to Achieve All

Feel This! – Descendents’ Milo Aukerman Continues to Achieve All

Milo Aukerman, founder, voice and mascot of the punk rock band Descendents has made a name for himself since the early days of hardcore punk, bringing the awkward teen ethos to the forefront with songs about being a geek, gawkily approaching women, eating food and drinking coffee, and the quest for ALL! … read more

Localized: Scary Uncle Steve

Localized: Scary Uncle Steve

Scary Uncle Steve are a band that exists on its own plane, not just in sound, but in personality. What they’ve created is straightforward punk rock—with an accordion wound up in the mix. Check them out at SLUG Localized, Mar. 16 at Urban Lounge. … read more

Localized: Wicked Bears

Localized: Wicked Bears

Wicked Bears have mustered up a sound all their own, drawing inspiration from new-school pop punk greats like Direct Hit! and The Menzingers as well as ’90s classics like Green Day and Blink-182. With one EP locked in the catalog, Wicked Bears will continue on with new material well into 2017. Check out their music Mar. 16 at Urban Lounge for SLUG Localized. … read more

Blood, Sweat, Tears and More Blood: AFI’s Hunter Burgan

Blood, Sweat, Tears and More Blood: AFI’s Hunter Burgan

AFI are among one of the most unclassifiable bands in the 21st century. It seems that with every album, they’ve catapulted themselves into a completely different catalogue, making them unpredictable. AFI hit The Depot on Jan. 25, and you can expect an intense performance from all areas of their discography. … read more

Localized: Villain

Localized: Villain

On Oct. 26, SLUG will showcase local band, Villain, at Urban Lounge. Each member has years of band experience under his belt, creating a talented group of hardcore veterans. … read more

Localized: Burn Your World

Localized: Burn Your World

Join SLUG at Urban Lounge on Oct. 26 for our Localized show—which will feature Burn Your World alongside Villain. Burn Your World is a peculiar entity which has thrived for six years using grinding guitar tones over simplistic riffs, but their sound is padded with depths of hardcore. Check them out this October! … read more