Salt Lake Story Tours: I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost

Salt Lake Story Tours: I Ain’t Afraid of No Ghost

Utah Ghost Tours provide bus tours and walking tours to some of the most haunted spots and graveyards in SLC and Ogden. I opted for the Whiskey Street tour. … read more

Mike Brown: Boy Scouts!

Mike Brown: Boy Scouts!

One of the obligations of of a Mormon upbringing was participating in the Boy Scouts of America program in my early teens. … read more

Mike Brown: Profiling Your Facebook Profile

Mike Brown: Profiling Your Facebook Profile

I, like so many millions upon millions, am basically addicted to checking in and wasting valuable and large amounts of time scrolling Facebook. … read more

Mike Brown: Beer, Barons and Bike Culture

Mike Brown: Beer, Barons and Bike Culture

Overall, Teach, Chad and Dirt Bag all said that they are stoked on motorcycle culture in Salt Lake. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you do—just get out there and ride. For them, that’s what its all about: the journey, not the destination. … read more

Mike Brown: Never Fear, the Near–Beer is Here

Mike Brown: Never Fear, the Near–Beer is Here

This year, while spitballing ideas for a beer column, I realized that there was one thing that I’ve actually never done with regard to beer, and that is drink a nonalcoholic one. I thought that it would be helpful to review some sans-fun suds for the Beer Issue. I don’t quite know whom this helps, because the first thing I realized is that I know absolutely no one that drinks this shit. … read more

Mike Brown: Diet and Nutrition

Mike Brown: Diet and Nutrition

Mike Brown discusses the difficulties of admitting you have a dad bod, trying to eat healthier, and deciding which diet will define your future. … read more

Ode to Jet Pack: The Coolest Cat Who Ever Lived

Ode to Jet Pack: The Coolest Cat Who Ever Lived

“Truth be told, I never cared for cats much before Jet Pack and I became thick as thieves, but Jet Pack was no ordinary cat,” says Mike Brown. Read on to discover why Jet Pack was the coolest cat who ever lived. … read more

Mike Brown: Bad Hair, Don’t Care

Mike Brown: Bad Hair, Don’t Care

One facet of fashion that is fun to judge people on is their hair. So for this article, Mike Brown will be addressing some different hair fashion trends and then judging them and the people who rock them accordingly. … read more

Mike Brown: Jumbotrons and DJ Juggy – A Utah Jazz Love Story

Mike Brown: Jumbotrons and DJ Juggy – A Utah Jazz...

One of the biggest and best upgrades that they finally made this year was putting longtime local DJ and hip-hop heavy-hitter DJ Juggy behind some wheels of steel inside the arena and making him the official in-house DJ of the Utah Jazz. Naturally, I had my SLUG editor pull some strings so I could get on the court with Juggy. … read more

Mike Brown’s Salt Lake City Guide!

Mike Brown’s Salt Lake City Guide!

Hi, and welcome to Salt Lake City! Once you finish watching movies in Park City wearing fake animals on your head, allow me, Mike Brown, to show you around. … read more