Retail Hell: Plan-B’s Premiere Production of Booksmart

Retail Hell: Plan-B’s Premiere Production of Booksmart

Booksmart is only here for two weeks. Grab your tickets at the Rose Wagner Performing Arts Center ASAP and check out the rest of Plan-B Theatre Company’s lineup for this year. This is a dedicated group of designers, producers and performers that will give you a show to remember. … read more

Disease as Commodity: Utah Presents Mercy Killers

Disease as Commodity: Utah Presents Mercy Killers

Mercy Killers isn’t simply a call to action concerning our healthcare system. It also questions whether or not we should still believe in the American Dream. … read more

The Bee @ The Leonardo 10.10

The Bee @ The Leonardo 10.10

By founding The Bee, a series of storytelling competitions, Giuliana Serena and Francesca Rosa have filled a void of literary events in Salt Lake City. … read more

Diverse Comics – Something for Everyone in the Utah Stand-Up Scene

Diverse Comics – Something for Everyone in the Utah Stand-Up...

If you picture legendary comedians, a long list of diverse comics probably comes to mind—both men and women with different styles, stories and from all backgrounds and walks of life. … read more

Rifftrax Live: Miami Connection—Slicing and Dicing, Everywhere But Miami

Rifftrax Live: Miami Connection—Slicing and Dicing, Everywhere But Miami

The best moment during Rifftrax was watching the character Jim receive a letter in the mail that his long lost father had been found. … read more

The Bride of Frankenstein: An Adaptation by Sackerson Productions

The Bride of Frankenstein: An Adaptation by Sackerson Productions

As a long-time lover of Frankenstein and classic horror, I was pretty skeptical about how The Bride Of Frankenstein would turn out. … read more

An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre

An Evening with Cancer: Reviewing “Wit” by Wasatch Theatre

Wit was one of the most exceptional, beautiful productions I’ve seen in a long time. I don’t remember the last time I cried so much and laughed so hard. … read more

loveDANCEmore Presents: Mudson

loveDANCEmore Presents: Mudson

This was the first time loveDANCEmore and their many amazing dancers had a performance at the Memorial House in Memory Grove on Aug. 18, 2015. … read more

The Unapologetically Goofy Shayne Smith

The Unapologetically Goofy Shayne Smith

Shayne Smith is by far the nicest, most tattooed guy you’ll ever meet, and he’ll leave you debilitated with laughter after every conversation. … read more

Levi Rounds: Ten Years of Mediocrity

Levi Rounds: Ten Years of Mediocrity

Levi Rounds has hit a milestone for any comedian in the business, and although we’re not talking about him just staying alive for a decade—which is also impressive—he’s been gracing stand-up comedy stages for 10 years strong. This Saturday, Aug. 8, at Metro Bar, Rounds will celebrate with his show “A Decade Deep” doing the