SLUG Contributor Limelight

August 16, 2005
Contributor Limelight: Erik Lopez
Erik Lopez is a connoisseur of art, music, culture, geneology, geneaolgy, history, economics, botany, LDS Symposiums, basketweaving, diving, beekeeping and Pilates. Erik has more enthusiasm and passion for life than a 16-year-old let loose in an Asian brothel, and he always makes time to shoot the shit and listen to people’s petty problems- even when he’s late for work. Erik has been writing for SLUG for almost eight months, and his combination of eclectic analogies and warped humor have earned him a gently budding, rabid fanbase. Erik recently beat out over 35 applicants, scoring the position as SLUG’s new Associate Editor. Damn Erik, you’re one badass, up-and-coming journalist.
Articles by contributor

Local Review: Zu with Xabier Iriondo/Iceburn 10″ – 9 Songs
Zu with Xabier Iriondo/Iceburn 10″ 9 Songs Wallace Records Street: 09.2006 Zu/Iceburn = Lou Reed’s Metal Machine Music + John Zorn Painkiller + Belly Button Iceburn’s split 10″ with Italian outfit Zu is reminiscent of Iceburn’s early sound. Ironically enough, this is Iceburn’s last will and testament (five years after the fact) as they hand

Local Review: Various Artists – Circus Brown’s Snackbox
Various Artists Circus Brown’s Snackbox KRCL 90.9 FM Street: 07.01 Circus Brown = KRCL DJ who spins on Saturday Nights, 10pm-1am Circus Brown is a power player in the realm of local music and his self-released compilation of his favorite live cuts from his show, Not a Sideshow, on KRCL is added testament to that

Local Review: Sun Fall on Echoes – S/T
Sun Fall on Echoes S/T Self-Released Street: Sun Fall on Echoes = Black Tape for a Blue Girl + Charitona + Ataraxia Doth thou hear a whisper or an ocean wave? Doth thou see a shadow or succubus? Sun Fall on Echoes self-titled debut album falls somewhere along the lines if Project records hosted a

Local Review: Nolens Volens – Fuck Imogen Heap
Nolens Volens Fuck Imogen Heap Billygoat Database Street: 08.03 Nolens Volens = VCR Quintet + Tigerbeat6 + nonnon In my last review I made intimations of Andrew being the love child of disco and kid606. In this latest release Andrew has grown up and produced a tighter but not altogether better record than previous releases.
Local Reviews: Nolens Volens
This is, like, the second or third album Nolens Volens has released this year and it doesn’t look like he is going to stop, unfortunately. All joking aside, if you have been following Andrew Glassett’s musical journey, you will have invariably noticed that this CD is a departure from his earlier, pounding club hits. … read more
Local Reviews: The VCR Quintet
The freshest and most exciting stuff to come out of Salt Lake is the local noise scene. 2006 saw the amazing album by The Tenets of Balthazar’s Castle (a top five of Andrew Glassett) and 2007 is set with a new release by The VCR Quintet. … read more
Local Reviews: I Hate Girls with Bruises
The Salt Lake City noise scene is blowing up and it is no small part to the concerted and concentrated efforts of one Aaron Zillionaire. On this release, Zillionaire and collaborator Tia Martinez, haven’t gone the usual route of penetrating noise and obtuse shocking visuals that subordinate the sound, but have taken this one track opus and made it sound as if you were in an industrial warehouse full of machines moving blending and echoing in harmonious unison. … read more
Local Reviews: Night Terror
Clocking in at a diminutive 12 minutes in length, Jared Russell’s Night Terror Primitive Reaction is getting a mixed reaction. At 12 minutes it’s just enough of a conceptual build-up to maintain interest, but one wonders whether or not would still sound fresh if it had been longer. To his credit, he knows when to fold’em. … read more
Local Reviews: Vile Blue Shades
The aptly named Triple Threat CD collects the three out-of-print VBS albums;Dark Wizard, Bottle of Pain and Obleaske of the Orb onto one shiny super-saver disc. VBS is like a great mixed drink, combining everything in just the right proportion. … read more
Local Reviews: Dead Yeti
Out of the four Red Light Sound releases that have recently come out, this is the best. Harsh and perverse from the very moment you step into it, it’s like fucking an exquisite corpse. … read more
Local Reviews: Gudgeguh
Like its labelmate, Night Terror, Gudgeguh rocks in at just under 12 minutes. Unlike Night Terror, its a sad disappointment that it ends so soon and abruptly. What is immensely interesting about this nugget of noise are the anomalies that catch the ear. … read more

Review: Last of the Breed: Live in Concert
Last of the Breed: Live in Concert Willie Nelson, Merle Haggard, Ray Price A&E Video Street: 09.25 Last of the Breed was filmed at a sold-out show in March of this year at the Rosemont Theatre in Chicago. Interesting in its scope and breadth of performance, this DVD showcases how intrepid these three legendary performers

Review: An Evening of Yes
An Evening of Yes Anderson, Bruford, Wakeman, Howe MVDvisual Street: 08.28 Previous to getting this DVD I had no pretension of liking Yes. I have had several friends, who I respect but was skeptical about, who love Yes. Not knowing where to begin to re-access Yes, it was fortuitous that this came into the office.

Utah Folklore: Gruesome Graves, Mysterious Monsters and Tormented Towns
Hidden inside the Oquirrh Mountains and tucked away in the Summit County library lies the ugly step-cousin of official Utah history—ghostly folklore. With Halloween only a stone’s throw away, I started to uncover the stories and tales that color our great state. These stories are almost too bizarre NOT to be true. The first story

Review: Beauty Talk & Monsters
Beauty Talk & Monsters Masha Tupitsyn Semiotext(e) Native Agents Street: 05.25 Tupitsyn is no one’s fool when it comes to combining–in a po-mo blend of memoirs, astute observations witty one-liners, her life and love of her city. She combs the streets through the mitigating lens of the movies, and doesn’t question the visual dominance of

Review: La Belle Captive
La Belle Captive Alain Robbe-Grillet Koch Lorber Street: 03.13 Watch out movie fans, any distribution company with the word “Lorber” in it, is bound not to be technically up to par, and this DVD is no exception. La Belle Captive is one of Alain Robbe-Grillet’s later works that seems to recapitulate themes from some of his

Review: The Films of Kenneth Anger: Volume One
The Films of Kenneth Anger: Volume One Kenneth Anger Fantoma Street: 01.23 Finally the films of Kenneth Anger are being restored, and restored beautifully at that. Forever (literally), Anger’s films have been out-of-print due to copyright issues concerning pop songs in his films. Anger’s influence stems from his idiosyncratic vision and inspiration to combine stylistic,

Review: Einstuerzende Neubauten
Einstuerzende Neubauten Palast Der Republik MVDvisual Street: 03.13 Nowadays, in order to be an industrial act all you have to do is have a drilling beat and a few steam whistles. In this DVD, Neubauten revitalizes the term “industry” in industrial music. Not so much a band as a performance group, Neubauten continues to be

Review: Buddy Does Jersey
Buddy Does Jersey Peter Bagge Fantagraphics Books Street: 05.15 There is a certain target audience and age for a graphic novel like this; I am thinking mostly of your average music snob, male, age 18-35. The premise and formula is pretty simple––an obnoxious hipster with a neurotic girlfriend, living in Seattle move back to New

Review: The Beautiful Language of My Century: Reinventing the Language...
The Beautiful Language of My Century: Reinventing the Language of Contestion in Postwar France, 1945-1968 Tom McDonough MIT Press Street: 03.30 In The Beautiful Language of My Century, Tom McDonough has his work cut out for him as the topic of the Situationist International and the May ’68 riots are an over-bloated subject. But what

Bigfoot – the man, the music, the legend: Jeff Guay...
When people think or talk about festivals a few things come to mind: hippies, tents, camping, excessive drinking and/or drug use, the unbearable heat and, of course, 12 hours standing up, listening to music. … read more

A Chance Meeting on a Dissecting Table: An Interview with...
2007 will see the release of a new James Chance and the Contortions record, tentatively titled Incorrigible. Named after one of the songs off the album, it’s not so much a “new record” per say, but rather a collection of miscellaneous tracks that haven’t properly seen the light of day. “Most of the songs are

Chopper – Gemini, Vocals Paul Butterfield – Libra, Bass Dave Styer – Aquarius, Bass Dave Bogart – Gemini, Drums Blackhole started in the summer of 2005 when Dave Styer (ex-the Switch) and Paul Butterfield (ex-Red Bennies) breached the subject of starting a band together. “It was literally a conversation I had with Paul that went

Renegade Rhythm: Gang Gang Dance’s Brian DeGraw Speaks
Popular modern music has been having a bit of a downfall lately. … read more

SLUG Magazine Off-Roads SXSW ’07
2007 was a stellar year for SXSW. With over 2000 bands populating 40-plus venues on a crowded downtown Austin, Texas you’re bound to run into some great … and not so great live shows. … read more

This ain’t no Chinese Jazz, it’s the Stooges!: An Interview...
Not only has Asheton continued to play music (and is influenced by such diverse sounds as The Who to Sun Ra) but he has a great memory and gift for storytelling. … read more
Thursday, January 18th – Opening Day
Thursday, January 19th Opening Day Pandemonium ensued as Lance and I made our way up to the Sundance headquarters to get our press passes. While Lance and Angela had their passes ready, I had to wait in line for an hour to get my press pass (including a pretty horrendous picture of my face).
Friday, January 19th – Party Hard
We left SLC at 4pm to head out to our first party of Sundance the DC Shoe/Complex Magazine party hosted by DC Shoe founder, Ken Block. The directions seemed clear enough take a few turns and twists, go on an unpaved road and then give a code to access a gate and

Review: Thinking in Type: The Practical Philosophy of Typography –...
Thinking in Type: The Practical Philosophy of Typography Alex W. White Allworth Press Street: 01.01.05 Thinking in Type is lauded by Ed Benguiat, a typographic designer, as being “a practical, exciting reference book,” so you can imagine my disappointment when I came to find out that such a highly praised book on something I know

Review: Pilates Perfect: The Complete Guide to Pilates Exercise at...
Pilates Perfect: The Complete Guide to Pilates Exercise at Home Diane Daniels Hatherleigh Press Street: 08.21.03 You never thought you would see a review for an exercise book in SLUG, did you? Especially one on an exercise craze sweeping the nation: Pilates. But Diane Daniels’ book on Pilates is right on target. I don’t exercise
Saturday, January 20th – Movie Schmovie
We woke up in the car at 8am, sore, tired and a little irritable. Last night we ended up at a friend’s party which ended up being a bust of Coor’s Light, old rich people and a gaggle of bare-walled, plasma TV music videos blaring to the wee morning hours. We left our little nook
Sunday, January 21st – Solo Mission
We both managed to stockpile about nine hours of well-deserved sleep before making our plans for the day ahead. Unfortunately, Mr. Lopez could not accompany the Sundance – Chevy -bandwagon, which was terribly mangled in a parking lot “accident” the night before (someone hit me). So I packed my things and set out to cross
Tuesday, January 23rd – Movie Makers
The first movie we saw today was Anthony Hopkins’ directorial debut for Sundance entitled Slipstream. Slipstream is the story of a writer whose dedication to finishing a script has him runned so ragged that the script starts to become a part of waking reality. The narrative is told through a series of snap shots, analeptic
Wednesday January 24th – This American Life
This American Life is a radio show starring Ira Glass that deals with, well, this American life. This American Life is not a news show persay but tells unique stories from every day life. The reason this show is loved by so many and works so well is because it has ressurected a time-worn tradition,
Thursday, January 25th – Shredding the Gnar Gnar
So we received three passes to the Park City Resort and a gracious offer to join the “The Burton/Sundance Instructional “Program.” The package offered structured instructions along with equipment that makes learning to snowboard as painless and easy as possible. Angela Brown and I have been snowboarding before. However, this was Erik’s first time on
Thursday, March 15th – Metal Mania
All Photos: Angela Brown We started the day bright and early (11:30am!) to see Boris. Boris played outside in the middle of day and it fucking destroyed! They ripped through a super heavy set and the chick on guitar was smoking hot. As much as the music was great, their stage presence was a little
Friday, March 16th – Panache!
We are up in an excited, hurried rush today. Stooges are on at 1pm and we meet Chase, and later on Cary Darling, at Austin City Limits for the show. The Stooges set, which consisted of four songs, a miniscule interview and great sound went on for only 30 minutes but it was both good
Saturday, March 17th – Needless Suffering
Today is the last day of SXSW and I decided to go full blast start to finish by seeing as many bands as possible. Ironically enough, most of the bands that I wanted to see were playing free shows on “the wrong side of the tracks” an industrial area that had several unofficial SXSW
Wednesday March 14th – The Wasteland
Wednesday March 14th � The Wasteland By Erik Lopez Photos: Angela Brown The first official day of SXSW started off with two goals in mind: 1) cost effectiveness i.e. not paying for ANY eats or treats and 2) go to as many lame parties as possible. With those principles as our guide we began our

Review: Twigger’s Holiday
Twigger’s Holiday Slow January Records Street: 08.07 I picked up this gem of a DVD just because the dude who made it had some sort of affiliation with Sarah Silverman (he did something with her show). I knew to expect something hilariously bizarre but not what I actually received from this DVD. The DVD
Day 0: Thursday, January 17, 2008
Sundance 2008 or bust!! SLUG Editor, Angela Brown, writer Ryan Powers and I, Erik Lopez walked into the Sundance press office a day before the official start of the Sundance Film Festival to get our press pass and see whether or not anything exciting was going on around town. After we all acquired our badges,

Review: The Jesus Lizard
Live The Jesus Lizard MVD Visual Street: 06.05 There are shows that from start to finish are so incredible, they renew your jaded little heart about the impact and importance of live music. This live set feels like one of those moments. From the moment David Yow gets up on stage to the raw, cantankerous,

Review: The Best of Vol. 2 The Kids in the...
The Best of Vol. 2 The Kids in the Hall A&E TV Street: 07.31 Kids in the Hall was a popular comedy troupe in the mid-90s that brought Canadian humor to the states, relying heavily on satire, monologues and a liberal dosing of absurd situations. Like Vol. 1, Vol. 2 showcases the best of the

When You Wish Upon A Star: An Interview with Ethan...
While researching previous Comets on Fire interviews in preparation for my own, I came across a word several times that I think adequately describes the direction or aesthetic of this band: organic. When I first read that word, and several times thereafter, I was curious how, or why, organic. Was it provincial? Was their sound

Books Aloud – July 2005
Reviews of Destroying Yourself is Too Accessible, Running on Emptiness: The Pathology of Civilization and the graphic novel Locas: The Maggie And Hopey Stories. … read more

The 801 Sons: a Hip-Hopagraphy
When you think of Ogden, Utah you probably don’t usually think of hip-hop, gangsters or any other such radical social configurations. But one of O-town’s best kept secrets is that gangsters, such as Al Capone, ran drug cartels, prostitution rings and bootlegging operations out of our sister city to the North. From these auspicious beginnings,

Dreamin’ the Blues: Bad Brad Wheeler and his Harmonica Army
“Everyone has a story about the harmonica,” says Bad Brad Wheeler of the Legendary Porch Pounders. Bad Brad’s story about his harmonica started when he was 18 years of age on a dare. He was at a keg party in Ogden, where he currently lives, when someone dared him to play the harmonica. Seventeen years

Review: La Dolce Vita
La Dolce Vita Federico Fellini Koch Lorber, Deluxe Collector’s Edition Street: 11.08 If you don’t know La Dolce Vita already, you are in for a treat; La Dolce Vita roughly translated means “the Sweet Life.” In it, a young reporter goes through life with conflicting emotions, trying to reconcile his tabloid-reporter lifestyle with his enduring

Review: Heart of Darkness: the Vietnam War Chronicles 1945-1975
Heart of Darkness: the Vietnam War Chronicles 1945-1975 Aaron Ulrich Koch Vision Street: 09.05 The Vietnam War was the longest US military conflict in history. As such, Koch Vision has done a great job of painstakingly chronicling the conflict from its aggressive beginnings to its ambiguous long haul. Over five hours of main documentary footage

Review: Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism
Terrorstorm: A History of Government Sponsored Terrorism Alex Jones Disinformation Street: 10.31 Terrorstorm has been hailed as the “Matrix of Truth” and other such drivel from like-minded liberal reviewers. While Terrorstorm does a great job of chronicling, logically, the apprehensions of the left, it fails at making a balanced view of terror; like its counterpoint,

Review: Empire of Dirt: The Aesthetics and Rituals of British...
Empire of Dirt: The Aesthetics and Rituals of British Indie Music Wendy Fonarow Wesleyn University Press Street: 07.22 Dr. Fonarow exemplifies everything it means to be an academic in the modern world: overthought-out arguments, a compulsive desire to explain everything and the technicality of book learning to back it up. But instead of giving a

Review: Code Version 2.0
Code Version 2.0 Lawrence Lessig Basic Books Street: 12.12.06 The Internet is huge now; millions of people go online everyday, interact and download myriads of files from games, to word files to music. But what governs this “virtual world” and should it be governed at all? Lawrence Lessig tackles what regulates the Internet, how it

Review: DADA
DADA Rudolf Kuenzli Phaidon Press Street: 10.16.2006 Rudolf Kuenzli, a leading scholar of dadaism, joins forces with Phaidon Press, printer of fantastic art books, to make a survey on dada. While dadaism is one of the best known art movements of the 20th century, Kuenzli provides a great overview of the movement through his introductory

Review: Josef Albers: To Open Eyes: The Bauhaus, Black Mountain...
Josef Albers: To Open Eyes: The Bauhaus, Black Mountain and Yale Frederick A. Horowitz and Brenda Danilowitz Phaidon Press Street: 11.02 Wow … to say the least. Phaidon Press has done it again in producing a book that not only is stunningly graphic and visual but has the academic content to back up such a

Review: I’m Keith Hernandez
I’m Keith Hernandez Rob Perri Self-Released Street: 01.07 Let me just get this out of the way first: Rob Perri is a genius. He has combined the likes of Being John Malcovich with 99 Tribulations to create a short, sweet and to the point look at, when T-shirts say the man, the legend, Keith Hernandez.

Review: Secret Agent AKA Danger Man: The Complete Collection
Secret Agent AKA Danger Man: The Complete Collection Stuart Burge and Charles Crichton A&E Street: 02.27 For those that love James Bond and can’t get enough of him, this megaset is for you. Patrick McGoohan aka John Drake is a secret agent for “Her Majesty.” Foreseeing other great television shows such as Magnum PI and

Review: Screaming Masterpiece
Screaming Masterpiece Ari Magnusson Milan Records Street: 03.06 Wow, what an interesting concept for a music documentary! I thought to myself as I sat down to watch Screaming Masterpiece. Unfortunately, interesting concept is as far as the critical acclaim train goes. What is supposed to be an overview of the Icelandic music scene is B.B.

Review: Escape From Special
Escape From Special Miss Lasko-Gross Fantagraphic Books Street: 03.14 We have all been there and done that concerning our high school days; we hated them and they hated us and to have another coming-of-age book of any kind rehashing that theme of “growing up” and toughing it seems like one too many. But what we

Review: Krazy & Ignatz 1939–1940: A Brick Stuffed with Moom-Bims
Krazy & Ignatz 1939–1940: A Brick Stuffed with Moom-Bims George Herriman Fantagraphic Books Street: 03.28 E.E. Cummings was a big fan; Michael Stipe of R.E.M. has a tattoo of the crazy couple and famed cartonists Will Eisner and Bill Watterson both cite Krazy Kat as an influence on their work. It is rare that an

Review: nEuROTIC
In nEuROTIC, John Cuneo focuses on just that in his work: the sexual, the erotic. His style is a perversely humorous, other-wordly and an exotic sketchbook that aptly illustrates the connection between human sexuality and the surreal. … read more

Review: Missing Victor Pellerin
Missing Victor Pellerin Sophie Deraspe Atopia Street: 06.05 Missing Victor Pellerin tells the story of famous Quebecian artist, Victor Pellerin, who in January of 1990, burned all his paintings and disappeared. At first, I was turned off by it and couldn’t make it past the first 30 minutes due to aloof camera angles and a

Review: Black Test Car
Black Test Car Yasuzo Masumura Fantoma Street: 05.22 The Fast and the Furious, Red Line, Days of Thunder… all these movies deal in one form or another with cars and racing them. Most of the time, these movies involve babes with tons of cleavage, outrageous, impossible cars and the people who drive them. Interestingly, Black

Review: Percy Gloom
Percy Gloom Cathy Malkasian Fantagraphics Books Street: 06.21 Percy Gloom was written by Cathy Malkasian whose previous work as an animator includes the shows Rugrats and The Wild Thornberrys Movie. Her leap from animation to the graphic novel form (especially from those quirky kids’ shows) is not a far cry from her previous work. Percy

Review: House
House Josh Simmons Fantagraphics Books Street: 03.07 House eerily recalls Mark Z. Danielewski’s House of Leaves, not so much in its complex storytelling but in its scary incompleteness. House leaves more questions open then it answers. The story is about a mansion three kids find in the woods that they decide to go exploring in.

Review: MOME
MOME Various Artists Fantagraphics Books Street: 05.22 MOME follows in the fine footsteps of other anthologies and quarterlies of this century (ex. McSweeney’s) by showcasing first-rate up-and-coming artists, writers, etc. The comics represented here range from self-conscious absurd dream narratives to the surreal pop panel to an extended meditation on depression and comic book creators.

Review: Hollywood After Dark
Hollywood After Dark The Film Crew Shout! Factory Street: 07.10 For those who were saddened by the demise (yes, demise) of Mystery Science Theatre 3000 and hoped that its off-kilter brand of DVD commentary would roam the earth again, hope some more. The Film Crew (what happened to a clever title?) is nothing more than

Review: Things Just Get Away From You
Things Just Get Away From You Walt Holcombe Fantagraphics Books Street: 06.15 In Things Just Get Away From You, Holcombe expresses his exotic stories in a simple and direct manner filling each panel with a visual style that is fluid and exaggerated. Like a dream, it equally draws from his time as an animator as

Review: King-Cat Classix
King-Cat Classix John Porcellino Drawn & Quarterly Street: 05.01 King-Cat Classix is John Porcellino’s memoirs as told in REAL-TIME (even though you are reading past recollections, he turns moments into instants). Caught somewhere between biography and journal (a la American Elf), King-Cat Classix is something like this with wirey panel drawings and an honesty you

Review: The Story of Cruel & Unusual
The Story of Cruel & Unusual Colin Dayan Boston Review/MIT Press Street: 04.30 The story of the eighth amendment prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and is taken from the English Bill of Rights. While seemingly straightforward in its lay representation (not excessive punishment in light of the crime), Colin Dayan in her concise, erudite and

Review: Space: 1999, the Complete Series – 30th Anniversary Edition
Space: 1999, the Complete Series – 30th Anniversary Edition Gerry Anderson A&E Television Street: 07.31 Following on the footsteps of demise of the original Star Trek, Anderson hoped to produce a television show that would fill the void of “deep space” that Star Trek‘s conclusion left. Space: 1999 tries to tell the story of a

Review: Mudman: The Odyssey of Kim Jones
Mudman: The Odyssey of Kim Jones Sandra Q. Firmin and Julie Joyce, Editors MIT Press Street: 04.01 Mudman is the typical excursion into art history. Frimin and Joyce collect four essays that try to penetrate and understand the varied and vast artwork of Kim Jones. Each essay focuses on a different aspect of the dually

Review: Chance in Hell
Chance in Hell Gilbert Hernandez Fantagraphics Books Street: 08.01 Gilbert Hernandez is a crafty son of a bitch. He weaves a story that is as poignant as it is troubling and tense. Chance in Hell tells the story of Empress, an orphan who is raised in what can only be described as a post-apocalyptic no-man’s

Battle for the Ballot
Design: Joshua Joye With the mayoral election only days away, the race has become a high-profile contest as nice guy Dave has been making the “subtle” distinction between who is a doer and who is a dreamer. While Dave readily admits that, for the most part, both he and Ralph share the same common concerns
Ken Sanders: Pimp of the Printed Word
This year marks the tenth anniversary of the eponymous brick-and-mortar rare book store that bears Ken Sanders’ name. In one form or another, Ken Sanders has been involved with books and the book business his whole life but the genesis from bibliophile to book seller is as interesting as, if not more so, any printed

Gallery Stroll: KAYO Sailing into Uncharted Waters – December 2007
Playing off the phonetic sounds of “KO” and his own name, the Kayo Gallery has been knocking-out the other galleries in town by providing the final blow. … read more
Loose Joints; Matt Wolf’s Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur...
I first heard Arthur Russell’s music in 2004 when I was driving with a friend to the Spiral Jetty. What was interesting about Russell’s music was that on one hand his voice had the confessional lull of Nick Drake and on the other, gentle dance beats round out a sound that can only be described as singer/dancewriter music. … read more
Trifecta of Terror: Three Horror Directors Descend on Park City:...
In the past few years, horror movies, in general, have taken an unprecedented nosedive as the political satire that originally gave horror films their bite has been watered down in favor of more violence and gore. SLUG Magazine recently talked to three prominent and wildly different “horror” directors with riotously dissimilar backgrounds about the horror movie genre and its future. … read more
Wright Brain: An Andy Wright Interview
Modern snowboarding was born in the streets of Salt Lake City and the mountains that surround it. Legends such as Branden Ruff, Tonino Copone, Jason Murphy, JP Walker, Jason Brown, and Jeremy Jones have all been riding here since the beginning and photographer Andy Wright was there to document it. … read more